
Christianity In Beowulf

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The story of Beowulf was written during a period of transition. It was almost as if the author was putting out the old and bringing in the new. The old would be the pagan belief system while the new would be Christianity. From the beginning of the poem it appears that the author is deeply in Christian traditions and values as he immediately references the Old Testament at the beginning of the poem and repeatedly throughout. However despite this frequent reference of Christianity, much of what is discussed goes against Christianity and actually supports pagan beliefs. Although it appears that the pagan element is more prevalent it actually is not. The why it is important is because the author focuses the readers attention on how people …show more content…

To begin, Beowulf fought his battles not for the fame that came with the victories but for the good that will come from them. From the beginning, Beowulf is willing to sacrifice himself (a form of Christianity) to come help king Hrothgar take care of his troubles with Grendel. The fight between Beowulf and Grendel is similar to the story of David vs Goliath in the bible, Beowulf being the underdog like David travels to Grendel’s home territory the same way David did and defeated the beast that was claimed impossible to beat. When Beowulf goes into battle with Grendel he refuses to use a weapon, showing fairness and treating him as he was fighting another normal man. After the fight with Grendel and during the celebration at Heorot Beowulf said “The lord allowed it, my lock on him wasn’t strong enough; he struggled fiercely and broke and ran. Yet he bought his freedom at a high price, for he left his hand and arm and shoulder to show he had been here, a cold comfort for have coming among us.(Beowulf lines 967-972) Beowulf admitted that he wasn’t …show more content…

The first monster Beowulf fights in the story (Grendel) is the kin of Cain. Cain is a man in a story in the bible that can be found in (Genesis 4). In the story Cain and his brother Abel give offerings to the lord. One day when Cain and Abel were delivering their offerings, the lord was more satisfied with Abeles work over Cain’s. This decision by the lord made Cain upset and that triggered into a frenzy that resulted in the murder of his brother Abel. The lord tells Cain “now you are cursed from the ground which has opened its mouth to receive your brother’s blood from your hand. When you cultivate the ground, it will no longer yield its strength to you; you will be a vagrant and wanders on earth” (genesis 4:12). The lord then puts a mark on Cain that prevents him from being slayed. As mentioned in the poem, Grendel is said to have the same blood as the killer Cain. Grendel favors Cain in many ways, as mentioned when Cain was cursed the lord told him he would be” a vagrant and wanderer on earth” (Genesis 4:12). In the poem Grendel is just like Cain, a wanderer and vagrant, exiled and not accepted by anyone around him. I think the author does that to make the reader almost feel bad for Grendel in a sort of way because he is not accepted. In the poem it is mentioned that Grendel has “circled sounds to harp, prowled the marshes, moors, and ice streams, forests, and fens. He found his home with misshapen monsters

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