
Persuasive Essay About Christmas

Decent Essays

Christmas - An Extraordinary Holiday

As I grow older, Christmas is the greatest holiday for my family and me. The powerful feeling of family is never any stronger than on Christmas Day. The stress of the time between Thanksgiving and Christmas Eve all seeps away as our children come running into our bedroom to see if we are awake yet. Even though our children are teenagers, the tradition doesn't change; Santa is real if you believe in him.

I've seen our children wake up as early as 5:00 a.m. As our children awake us, my husband tries to draw out the anticipation by telling them he needs to take a shower first. After much begging and grumbling, they agree and the three of us make our way into the kitchen to bake cinnamon rolls. …show more content…

Santa also brings one gift for everyone. It always amazes me how he always knows just what to bring. Whether it is the beautiful birthstone necklaces for our daughters, or the brown leather rodeo equipment for my husband or the most awesome mother's ring for me, Santa's gifts are always the most thoughtful.

After all the bright, cheerful paper has been torn off the last of the gifts, the cinnamon rolls are cooled down enough to devour. By the time our breakfast treat is demolished and all the paper and gifts put back under the tree, we all rush into our bedrooms to get ready to travel to my husband's parents' home for brunch and more gifts.

When we arrive at my in-laws' house in Pinole, we open the door and the smell of eggs, bacon, biscuits and gravy float to our noses. Once again, my mother-in-law out did herself. What an incredible brunch she has made. Of course all of my husband's family are there, his parents and his sister and her family. Even though there are only eleven of us, you would think there were at least twice that many. The living room looks as if Macy's exploded in it. Cheerfully wrapped Christmas presents are everywhere. Of course the children's grandparents spoil them rotten. They also spoil their children. With tons of presents to open, the fun begins. By the time all the gifts are opened, the room looks like a cyclone hit it. While the children and dads are

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