
Christopher Boone

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In the story The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time, Christopher Boone is a 15 year old boy with an autism spectrum disorder, Asperger Syndrome. Regardless of having this disability and the characteristics that come along with it, Christopher shows many times throughout the story that it doesn’t stop him from growing and succeeding in life. Christopher gains his independence and show signs of growth and achievement, proving that having a disability doesn’t stop him from accomplishing his goals and desires. As everyone knows who has read the book, Christopher has weaknesses, including talking to strangers, being in unfamiliar places, being told a large of information at once, and a lack of empathy. When he is put in any of these situations, …show more content…

His strong subjects are mathematics and physics, which is why he wants to become a scientist. Christopher is very eager to take his A-level math test and hopefully achieve an A grade, which he does, so he can get into a university. He is very determined to live on his own when he gets to college. He doesn’t want to have to rely on anyone to take care of him. Christopher also expresses this want when he talks about the dream he has sometimes, where everyone in the world is gone, except for the special kids like himself. He is also very logical. He loves solving math problems and puzzles that are challenging and he is good at them. He likes everything in black and white and prefers them to be plain and simple. If he can’t make a choice about something, he likes to draw diagrams, which helps him narrow down his choices. Christopher also begins to become rebellious towards his father when he finds out it was his father who killed Wellington. He begins lying to his dad and disobeying him, which he has never done before. He is really pushed over the edge when he finds all of the letters his mother has written him over the years that his father has been hiding from him and realizes that his mother never really died and his father, yet again, lied to him. This is what leads Christopher on his journey to London to find his

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