In the story The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time, Christopher Boone is a 15 year old boy with an autism spectrum disorder, Asperger Syndrome. Regardless of having this disability and the characteristics that come along with it, Christopher shows many times throughout the story that it doesn’t stop him from growing and succeeding in life. Christopher gains his independence and show signs of growth and achievement, proving that having a disability doesn’t stop him from accomplishing his goals and desires. As everyone knows who has read the book, Christopher has weaknesses, including talking to strangers, being in unfamiliar places, being told a large of information at once, and a lack of empathy. When he is put in any of these situations, …show more content…
His strong subjects are mathematics and physics, which is why he wants to become a scientist. Christopher is very eager to take his A-level math test and hopefully achieve an A grade, which he does, so he can get into a university. He is very determined to live on his own when he gets to college. He doesn’t want to have to rely on anyone to take care of him. Christopher also expresses this want when he talks about the dream he has sometimes, where everyone in the world is gone, except for the special kids like himself. He is also very logical. He loves solving math problems and puzzles that are challenging and he is good at them. He likes everything in black and white and prefers them to be plain and simple. If he can’t make a choice about something, he likes to draw diagrams, which helps him narrow down his choices. Christopher also begins to become rebellious towards his father when he finds out it was his father who killed Wellington. He begins lying to his dad and disobeying him, which he has never done before. He is really pushed over the edge when he finds all of the letters his mother has written him over the years that his father has been hiding from him and realizes that his mother never really died and his father, yet again, lied to him. This is what leads Christopher on his journey to London to find his
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time is told through the eyes of a fifteen year old boy named Christopher Boone. Christopher has a highly-functioning form of autism which allows him to understand complex mathematical problems, but also leaves him unable to comprehend many simple human emotions. His inability to understand metaphors, distinguish emotions, and his lack of imagination makes it possible to consider Christopher as functioning like a computer rather than functioning as a human being. Throughout the story, Christopher is faced with many challenges which he conquers using the stable and never changing system of mathematics. All of these factors suggest that Christopher does, in fact, function like a computer,
“Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of the dynamic and creative intellectual activity”.- (John F. Kennedy). This focus on mental capacity and dynamism is clearly seen through Christopher Boone's character in Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time by Mark Haddon. Diagnosed with autism, Christopher is a very unpredictable character who grows dynamically throughout the novel. The emphasis on Christopher’s various abilities highlights his different skills rather than fixating on the fact that he is on the autism spectrum. Christopher’s personality signifies his unique character as well as being able to do many things beyond readers imaginations. In Haddon’s Curious Incident of
Throughout the novel, our main protagonist Christopher is faced with various obstacles. From being unable to fit in socially, to trying to figure out who murdered the beloved neighborhood poodle, he begins to feel the uncomfortable constraints of his unspecified, but very likely, Asperger syndrome. His character is revealed through the way he seemingly remains unchanged throughout his journey, but when under closer inspection his new-found maturity is portrayed in a much subtler fashion. Christopher has followed rules and schedules all his life, he can’t cope without them. His entire existence has revolved around the same tedious routine, from the moment he wakes up to the moment he goes to sleep. However, as the story progresses we are shown how he learns to cope with change and how he begins to see the world as a less
Christopher’s abnormal personality can be seen as a weird but it is because of the experiences he had to face as a young adult with his father that made his perception on life and its values of life change. Christopher’s adventure way up north was described by saying, “...he was relieved as well—relieved that he had again evaded the impending threat of human intimacy, of friendship, and all the messy emotional baggage that comes with it.”(55) Christopher most likely felt like this because he felt betrayed by his father and saw no point in endeavouring trust into people close to him
Christopher gains confidence he can perform well on the tests because he solves the murder case of Wellington all by himself. He passes the tests and chooses to go to university. It gives him the opportunity to one day and become someone of his own. He realizes what he accomplished and says to himself, “I am going to go to a University in another town… And I can live in flat all by myself” (152). In the beginning of the novel, Christopher did not like being alone. He always wants to be near his father and not near others. But now we learn Christopher feels brave to go to another city and live on his own. He is not afraid to meet new people and new environments. He no longer needs the assistance of others and feels confident to go see new places. He is not the person who he was and is now able to be live an independent life. He looks to go to university and become a highly educated individual. He always dreams of becoming somebody big and he tells himself, “I will get a First Class Honours degree and I will become a scientist” (152). Christopher becomes mature and realizes he does not want to live with his parents forever. He wants to become a person of his own and looks to become a scientist. He wants a job as a scientist and this represents how Christopher is thinking about what he wants to be from a young age. He understands that he
“The most important single ingredient in the formula of success is knowing how to get along with people” –Theodore Roosevelt. In the novel, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time, by Mark Haddon, the main character, Christopher, has Asperger’s syndrome. Although he is extremely intelligent and knows facts about many different subjects, such as astrophysics and math, he lacks the skills to connect with other people. Just because Christopher has this disability does not mean that he will not be as successful as anyone else. He may need to overcome some difficult obstacles, but in the end he has the potential to be successful.
Christopher Boone is the fifteen year old narrator of the novel. He is a gifted in mathematics, yet he struggles has struggled throughout his life because he has autism. His autism causes him to thing very logically and makes sure that everything has order. He has a pet rat named toby, towards the end of the book, he is giving a puppy and he lived with his father in England. The actor that portrays Christopher must be able to display brilliance yet cluelessness, a kind personality yet crabby attitude, and a mental and physical sensitivity yet at the same time being insensitive. The book is written in his exact words so the actor must
Many believe that those with autism do not have the capacity of developing moral agency without empathy. Kids at a young age are taught the lessons of good and bad of what other people see as good that impacts on them as they grow up. The same concept goes with Christopher in the novel of, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time by Mark Haddon, that endorse the fact that he has autism is able to learn right and wrong without feelings. He is viewed as naïve, but gives that sense of innocence of nature through the way he portrays his thoughts to action. To fully understand Christopher on whether he has moral agency is better
The mind of an autistic person is fascinating and frightening because usually their actions can’t accurately express what their brain is thinking. It is frustrating to try and determine what a child with autism is trying to say, and often results in them being misunderstood. The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time, by Mark Haddon, tells the story from the perspective of Christopher Boone, a fifteen year old boy with autism. Chris is brilliant at math and science, but is unable to understand or express emotion. His difficult home life further contributes to his illness; he doesn’t have anyone at home who supports him and tries to help him. His teacher, Siobhan, is his only friend and the only person who tries to help him learn to
Christopher was born with Asperger’s Syndrome, which limits his communication skills, interaction with others and his ability to read emotions that other characters portray. In addition to dealing with this, Christopher also struggles to come to terms that his mother “died of a heart attack and it wasn’t expected”. (P. 36) This dialogue between Christopher and his father
He does give hope to his son christopher and give him a great imagination as well. The second decision Chris makes in the movie would be applying for the internship which does not pay. Chris was determined to make it to the top of his internship program because if
This world is made up of so many secrets that each of us has. Sometimes we have some secrets that we don't share especially with our loved ones as we don't know how they will take it or if it will have an affect on them.Throughout the story, we are given hints to understand Christopher and his uniqueness. He knows all the countries of the world and their capitals, every prime number until seven-thousand, fifty-seven. He also hates the colors yellow and brown, that he won't even eat anything with those colors. He is described as being “unique” and very different from others.Christopher finds out some family secrets but what he finds out isn’t a secret because a secret isn’t a secret if it will affect someone else and a lie, isn’t a lie if no harm is being done.
When his brother, Allie, dies he struggles with accepting the reality of him being gone. When he is brought up he gets very defensive and tries to act tough. When he talks to Phoebe about what he likes
Christopher’s real change happens when Christopher finds a stack of letter’s his ‘supposedly dead’ mother - “Mother died 2 years ago.” - writes to him whilst finding the book he was writing. This happens because his father tells him not to mind other’s business - “Father said, ‘Just try and keep your nose out of other people’s business.’” - and in result of not following his dad’s orders gets his book taken away. During his ‘detective work’ Christopher finds out the real reason as to why Wellington’s owner’s husband left as he was one of Chris’s main suspects. He finds out that his mother was having an affair with him. So when Christopher goes to find the book he finds the stack of letters - “One other possibility was that Father had hidden my book somewhere in the house.” -. All this leads to his change because if it wasn’t for his realization that his mother was alive he would have stayed and nothing would have differed. It is what leads to Christopher wanting to find his mother, and on this journey he experiences new danger and he learns how to cope with the real world. I believe the finding of the letters is very important as it helps the readers to sympathize with Christopher it also makes you sad especially because he is autistic and cannot understand why his father would lie to him.
As the novel progresses, so does the Characterization of Christopher. From originally being an awkward adolescent, our protagonist discovers that he can do anything he sets his mind to. Instead of hectically going over everything his brain needs to process, Christopher looks to the things he finds comfort in, such as, logic, arithmetic or math problems. Throughout his journey, Whenever Christopher found himself in a frustrated position, he began to recite complicated numbers