Kindness in today’s society only gets one so far. The saying nice guys always finish last might simply hold some truth. In “First Encounters,” we gain insight about how the initial explores of America interacted with the natives. European ideology had no room for this other hemisphere or in fact the people that lived there. The text we go on to read describes just how gruesome this time period truly was. The Natives were referred to as “savages.” They currently we 're at war with themselves during the arrival of the westerners, increasing the body count even higher. Then we proceed on to read about Christopher Columbus’s personality through his letters to Luis De Santangel and his role during the exploration of this newly discovered land. Christopher Columbus was always pictured in my mind as a nobleman of high morale. At least that 's how the teachers in early on stages of schooling preached to me. Now realizing the truths, he 's just like many men I’ve met in society over that past few years, greedy, self-centered, and thirsty for dominance and power. Men and women across the globe are willing to go to extreme measure to make sure they get ahead in society, this was the case for Christopher Columbus. While reading both of these passages I couldn 't help but think of one movie, The Wolf of Wall Street. When initially comparing Jordan Belfort to Christopher Columbus some might be skeptical. Truly though they share the same characteristics. In order to be dominant leaders
Document B is about letter from Columbus to King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella.It was written in March 15,1493. It is about Columbus he sent sail from Spain to find an all-water route to Asia. This source was created in March 15,1493. During the time this source was created In beautiful mountains, great farms, groves and fields. This source reflects the time period because of Christopher Columbus is that on August 3, 1492, Columbus set sail from Spain to find an all-water route to Asia. Document C is about Account by Bartolome de las casas to the Spanish Monarchy. It was written in 1542. It is about Columbus was a killer and a lier. This source was created in 1542. During the time this source was created Killing, terrorizing and destroying the
When Christopher Columbus sailed to the Americas he discovered the Bahamas. According to Document A in the poem it says “But "India" the land was not; It was the Bahamas, and it was hot. This means that when Christopher Columbus was trying to get to India, he accidentally discovered the Bahamas. This shows that he did discovered the Bahamas. Additionally, according to Document B, in the letter he(Christopher Columbus) says that “When Columbus arrived back in Spain on March 15, 1493.
“When Christopher Columbus sailed he sailed with three ships and found the Indians. “According to Document A Christopher” Columbus was brave, and he was bright “. “This shows that he was a very intelligent and tough man. “Additionally, according to Document B “ In fourteen hundred ninety-two Columbus sailed the ocean”. “This shows that He had three ships and left from Spain”. “Therefore, the authors point of view was that Christopher Columbus was a very joyful and apparently a nice man to the people as the document tells us. During the time this source was created Christopher Columbus has set sail and met the Indians. According to Document C “ The spaniards forced their indian slaves to work without rest and gave them little food. The men died
Document A is a poem that was written in 1948. The poem says positive/ good things about Christopher Columbus. The point of this document is that it celebrates when Christopher Columbus arrived in the Americas on October 12.The point of view is shown through describing Christopher with positive decisions. “This point of view can be interpreted as limited or biased because ”the poet only talks about the good side. Also the meaning of this document is to teach Christopher Columbus is a hero.
At Christopher Columbus Middle School, the students who were moving on to Clifton High School were given a spectacular farewell bash in the form of a circus-themed dance.
When Christopher Columbus sailed to the Americas he stole land, kidnapped people and started a massacre. This all started August 3, 1492, when Columbus started his trip to India. According to Document B, “I took possession of all of them for our most fortunate one making any resistance.” This was written by Christopher Columbus in 1493. In this quote he is referring to the people of the islands he discovered, saying that he has kidnapped them for the King. It also states, “ In the island, which I have said before was called Hispana, there are very lofty and beautiful mountains, great farms...and well adapted for constructing buildings.”, which describes reasons they should take over the land. Additionally, according to Document C,
“When Christopher Columbus sailed to the Americas he was excited because he found gold, land and people. He thought they could be slaves .“According to Document B, it explains how Christopher Columbus found the land with gold, metals and people. He wants to make them his slaves .“This shows that…” “Besides, this Hispana abounds in various kinds of species, gold and metals“Additionally, according to Document C, it is explaining how the spanish people from spain mistreated the navites and turned them into slaves and how they died “This shows that…” Once these were home to more than half a million souls, but they are now deserted, inhabited by not a single person.
During Christopher Columbus’ lifetime, new technology and worldwide trade was in the process of being spread. Columbus and other European mariners searched for a trade route to Asia. This was one main reason for Columbus’ voyage to the New World. He was sent by Spanish king and queen, Ferdinand and Isabel. Additionally, religion played a big part in the everyday lives of people in the Iberian peninsula because of the Reconquista and Inquisition. In fact, the spread of Christianity was one of the main reasons for his exploration. Although Christopher Columbus contributed to the spread of Spanish agricultural techniques, like the use of iron tools and the cultivation of apple and pear trees, he is responsible for the deaths of many indigenous
Christopher Columbus wanted to set out to find riches and get famous but what he doesn't know is that he discovered one of the greatest country's on the earth. Columbus asked the Italian government to fund his expedition to locate to spice islands but the Italian government turned him down. Upon being turned down columbus set out to find the king of great britain. Columbus ask the king to find his expedition and the king agreed to fund it. The agreeing to fund this expedition set in course a chain of events that would change history forever.
As a child who immigrated from Vietnam to United State at the age of ten, I’ve learn America was discovered by Christopher Columbus. Children weren’t taught about the history of the people who lived on the land before the arrival of Christopher Columbus. The history of America was narrated by the view of white supremacy who used genocide to colonize the land.
It is thought by many that Christopher Columbus was a skilled sailor on a mission of greed. Many think that he in fact did it all for the money, honor and the status that comes with an explorer, but this is not the case entirely. Columbus was an adventurer and was enthused by the thrill of the quest of the unknown. “Columbus had a firm religious faith and a scientific curiosity, a zest for life, the felling for beauty and the striving for novelty that we associate with the advancement of learning”. He had heard of the legendary Atlantic voyages and sailors reports of land to the west of Madeira and the Azores. He believed that Japan was about 4,800 km to the west of Portugal. In 1484, Columbus wanted support for an exploratory
Christopher Columbus and his goalsCertainly, Columbus was a devout Catholic. He lived during the period of the great Spanish Inquisition, which led to the defeat of the Jews and Muslims. Perhaps he wanted to continue the Spanish legacy and spread the faith toward the west. However, personal ambitions may have also sparked Columbus's interest in finding a water route to the Indies. He asks for gold many times from the natives and searches all the islands in hopes of discovering more. He views the natives as a source of economical benefit, hoping to employ them for practical purposes. Even though there are not any indications of immense amounts of gold and spices in the New World, Columbus continues to ask for more Spanish support in order
Marketing and Sales: Two core activities are involved in increasing sales and enabling Woolworths and Coles to complete effectively. In-store Promotion and Organizational Dynamism:
Now, in our present society, people are rethinking the goodness of Columbus and the actual impact that he had on our world. People feel that the killing of the American Indians was “unethical and morally wrong,” says Janet Mckay in an article from TIME magazine (“Columbus Day in Cali” TIME MAGAZINE Oct. 15, 1995, pg. 17). When Columbus made the Voyage to the Americas it was a different time, a different way of life. People thought differently than we do today. In 1492 there were many internal conflicts in many countries. Fighting was a thing that was normal.
The Journal of Christopher Columbus is the day to day journal/diary writing of Christopher Columbus. He started taking notes of his journey starting the year of 1492. This took place mostly on his voyage over the Atlantic Ocean on his way to the Indies, and also on the lands he discovers on the way to his destination. He wrote every day of his journeys as a journal to the king and queen of his discoveries.