
Christopher Morley On Laziness

Decent Essays

In Christopher Morley’s satirical piece, “On Laziness”, Morley attempts to convince his readers to take time for reflective thinking instead of just continuing through their effective, restless lives. He achieves this purpose through redefinition, irony, details, as well as his concrete assertions. A primary rhetorical tactic used is Morley’s redefinition of the word laziness. While the reader defines laziness as the quality of being unwilling to work, Morley wields a complete transformation of the word’s meaning. To him, laziness is not a lack of strength or incentive, but instead a way of life that must be a premeditated choice. He states, that laziness is “carefully reasoned analysis of experience”. While most of his readers perceive laziness as the idleness of the body, Morley modifies the essence of the word …show more content…

He does this tirelessly throughout the essay by using declarative sentence structure. For example, he states “People respect laziness.” and also “The truly meek man is the lazy man” without backing either of the proclamations up by actual facts. He also states the claim that Doctor Johnson was one of the world’s greatest philosophers. He also forms syllogisms as he uses deductive reasoning and logos to backdoor his readers into believing his argument. In the same way, Morley also uses declarative sentence structure to induce from the reader the idea that they must do what he tells them leaving them with no other choice. For example he makes the claim “Now we are going to join them”. Sentences like such resemble the evocation of passion a general would use to prepare soldiers as they launch into battle. He successfully elicits the emotions accompanied with action through these inevitable conclusions. Because his assertions come so naturally in the essay, the readers finds themselves having to make an effort to even question Morley when

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