
Church Observation Paper

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Environment. I made observations of a church service. I enter through the strong, dark red, oak doors with golden handles. The room where the service was held was about 100 by 130 feet and seemed to be rectangular in shape. They were a variety of colors. The walls scale ten feet high until they slant to create the point that forms the ceiling of the chapel. The ceiling was a creamy, white color with natural-colored beams. The walls are comprised of brick ranging in colors of murky brown, black, crimson red. There were no windows in the church. There were twenty lights and each light had five light bulbs each. The floor in the church was covered with a light brown tightly woven carpet. The temperature was a perfect 67 degrees. The only decorations in the church were four or five sets of flowers consisting of only yellow roses in the front of the church. The audience sat in red, cushioned chairs that were right next to each other. There were two groups, one on …show more content…

The speaker was a very tall man standing about 6’0 feet tall in height. He was a slim man built like a runner. He had short, sandy blonde hair slicked back. He had a fair complexion with emerald green eyes and wore black glasses. He did not were any jewelry. He wore a navy suit with a crisp, white shirt with a rose colored tie. The preacher spoke with a deep baritone voice. He spoke loud and clear and delivered his sermon at a great pace. His speech was well prepared and easy for everyone to understand. He had the appropriate amount of eye contact with the audience and connected well with the audience in ways that made you feel comfortable. His facial expressions were right on point with what he was saying. Sometimes a more serious look, and at other times, very calming looks. The pastor moved back and forth during the whole sermon, sometimes waving his hands all over the place. He used PowerPoints to get his message across to the audience. He also used note cards and the Bible to deliver his

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