
Cinderella In Charles Perrault's Cinderella Frozen In Time

Decent Essays

Cinderella Frozen in Time: Why Cinderella continues be portrayed as a victim in the era of feminism
Cinderella has changed so little over time that it seems we’re still in the 1700’s reading Charles Perrault’s first edition. And yet it remains one of the most popular fairy tales read to

Joshi 8 children. The role of women continues to be either the cruel, evil one or the good, docile one while the prince continues to be the saving grace of the helpless girl. The skeleton hasn’t changed much as well. A damsel in distress, saved by a knight in shining armor, who falls in love with her and they live happily ever after. Does this sound familiar? This sentence might as well be a fairy tale. We’ve seen this over and over in Cinderella, Rapunzel, Sleeping Beauty and Snow White.
I chose Cendrillon or the Little Glass Slippers by Charles Perrault as my fairy tale. I grew up reading the Disney story book, inspired by Perrault’s version. I can still imagine the animated faces even though it’s been years since I’ve read that book. My tale is a modern adaptation of Cendrillon, where the character is not weak-willed or naive. The main focus is on justice and on her relationship with her step-siblings and her Prince which is much more than superficial attraction. In Perrault’s version, Cinderella’s father remarries after the death of her mother. Her step-mother’s cruel treatment and aggravation is due to her own daughters’ unpleasant deposition when compared to Cinderella’s good

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