Today I was called to go to my house. When I got there my mother tells me, "someone is here to see you." A man told me to go in. When I went in it smelled like blood and roses, and also there was a little white haired man in the chair. When he turned around looking at me with those snakelike eyes. The person was President Snow. I was speechless and I couldn't believe that he is here. He told me to sit down. Then he told me what is going on, "I have a problem, and it all started when you pulled out those poisonous berries." People think it was a act of defiance not an act of love. There could uprising in district 12. I said,"What is to prevent, say, an uprising?" Then my mom brings in some tea and cookies. President Snow said, " Did your mother …show more content…
Before today Peeta and I had a talk to the whole country of Panem. When I spin around my dress turned into a mockingjay outfit. Peeta said something to Haymitch," Any last words of advice?"Haymitch's last word of advice is"Stay alive." Just before we went in the game arena. Haymitch stops Peeta and me. "Katniss remember who the enemy is." Then Cinna comes and says see you later maybe. Then I say, "my dress was fantastic last night."Then the door swings open, and two peacekeepers come in and arrested Cinna. The peacekeepers started to hit Cinna with metal-stubbed gloves. I'm screaming my head off; banging on the unyielding glass trying to reach him. The peacekeepers ignore be and dragged Cinna's limb body from the room. All there was left was blood smears on the floor. I was sickened and terrified; then, the plate started to rise. Then I realized that the games were about to …show more content…
Everything seems to erupt at once. The earth explodes into showers of dirt and plant matter. Trees burst into flames, even the sky fills with brightly colored blossoms. I was wonder it there was going to be a victor of the Seventy-fifth Hunger Games. Then the hovercraft materializes above me without warning; then, the claw drops from the underside until it's directly overhead. I swim back into semiconscious, and I can feel I'm lying on a padded table. Then I here talking in the cock pilot. I ask it Prim, my mother, Gale was alive. "She's alive. So is your mother. I got them out in time," said Haymitch. There is no more district 12. Planes came in and bomb the whole district up. The whole district's covered with the stuff. Then Gale comes in and says,"there is no District
Thank you for your response and question. I could only hope that her family would notice she was not home. Now, how long would it take? I think maybe a few days depending on if she had things around the house that she had to do. I don’t know any other outcomes that come to mind when Connie is basically being forced in to this guy’s car to be driven to only god knows where to possibly be raped or murdered all because she was getting any kind of affection from her mother and aunt who were too busy comparing Connie to her sister. I wish we could have known how long has the house and Connie’s family been watch by this guy. I kind of wish this story had a better ending or maybe an alternate ending where she was able to get away and get help or Arnold’s
Getting to know Sydney made me realize a lot more about life. Going into college I felt agitated because I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do with my life, and maybe moving here was a mistake, but Sydney reassured me. Although tomorrow is a mystery, we need to have faith that it’ll bring us exactly what we need. Her story of having a youth full of uncertainty and now having a life of complete sense has given me hope that I will be okay, and to just enjoy today and it’s opportunities.
“William! Get back here! You know that’s Melinda’s land!” Carefree young William raced through the field, closing in on Melinda´s apple orchard. Melinda was the evil fairy who owned 25 acres just outside the town. On her land was an orchard. In this orchard grew the finest apples in all of England. These large, sweet apples were desired by any who laid eyes on them. The only problem was Melinda… She cursed anyone who dared step foot on her land, especially her cherished apple orchard.
Early that morning, newly hired park ranger, Jennifer Flores, stuffed a banana into the blender and mixed up a high energy chocolate drink. Her dark brown hair was pulled back into a ponytail and her face was clean and free of makeup. She was dressed in a black jogging outfit that hugged her body tightly and showed off her shape. She poured her drink into a glass and guzzled it down like she was in a beer chugging contest with her sorority sisters.
Hi there. My name is Genevieve (Jenna for short) and I’m proud to say I am a part of CCU’s class of 2019. I come from a small town in the middle of nowhere in Harford County, Maryland. I have two younger sisters, so I’m the first one of the family to tackle this adventure. I’m planning on majoring in communication with a minor in photography. I discovered my passion for writing/business/broadcasting when I was placed into a journalism class in tenth grade. I never thought I’d end up being the business manager and one of many reporters on a staff that created a 20-page newspaper every month for the next three years, and a main anchor on our daily morning announcements.
"Abandoned and afraid, I was left crying beside the ocean underneath a bridge. My recollection is hazy and sporadic, as any memory of an infant would be. However, something I do recall, was the sound of a sweet voice, singing beautifully as my tears were wiped away and I drifted off to sleep. I remember waking in a strange place I've never seen before, frightened and afraid. But I don't really remember anything after that moment. My memory remains blurred from that moment on, and anything I could recall would probably only be reflecting my deceitful imagination. The first clear memory I have was from a moment while I was five years of age. I was sitting at the dinner table, with my guardian Shelia, who I believed was my mother. She excused
Imagine this, it’s noon and you’re outside on a beautifully sunny day. Everything is going perfectly swell until suddenly you’re swallowed by an unexpected wave of blistering hot air. You black out and moments, maybe hours later, you regain your conscience and find yourself stranded somewhere in an unnaturally gorgeous island. That’s practically the story of everyone who finds themselves on an island called Nil, and everyone who finds themselves on the mysterious island has exactly a year to leave before they die. On this pretty little island was a girl named Natalie. She was a veteran on Nil and had priority. Having priority meant that you
She kept on thinking. I wonder how things will turn out? She felt nervous and anxious for school today, like she did everyday.
Colette dreamed. She was sitting down though the ground was hundreds of feet below. In the northeast she make out her tower, though it was just a dot from where she was. Across from her was another Colette, motionless save for the slow rise and fall of her chest as she breathed. The black, smoky eyes betrayed it as Fetch. They sat across from each other wordlessly, and Colette began to clear her throat softly.
OK damn man. Ok I’m just going to give you general details. I already told as much as I’m going to tell you about Friday night. On Saturday we party on a boat with these fine ass women, however Luther didn’t go he was too hung over, so we left his ass at the
When I arrived there, there were 3 people in front of me. It took 1 minute 56 seconds to get to Pepper, who took my order. She asked if I've been here before and I told her yes, she said ,she asked me my name, asked what kind of pizza, and then asked what toppings and what kind of pizza I was ordering. I told her 1 and she moved my pizza over, telling me Charlotte will add my sauce. However, Charlotte was finishing up with another pizza so Pepper decided she'll add the sauce. I told her "White", even repeating it, but she put red sauce on. Before I could correct her she added the sauce but I decided red sauce was fine. She then gave the pizza to Charlotte who asked what kind of cheese I wanted. I told her mozzarella and she put the cheese on
The rain had just stopped pouring, and we had all gathered in a park nearby, as a makeshift memorial for Johnny. It wasn’t really a funeral, we didn’t have the budget for that, and it wasn’t like his parents cared enough to give him a proper goodbye.
All types of communication interaction involve two major components in terms of how people are perceived: verbal, and nonverbal. These cues such as facial expressions, posture, verbal intonations, and other body gestures accompany our words in order to create a clear message. Every person is continuously communicating even when they are not saying a word, thus, it is possible to send an exclusively non verbal message but it is not possible to send an exclusively verbal message. Nonverbal cues in the interaction are always more powerful indicators of what a speaker means and what the speaker feels because non verbal cues have not been learned and therefore are not manipulated. In the movie Victor Victoria, nonverbal cues
An elongated car ride was taken to an abrupt halt as hyperventilation commenced. I compelled myself to pull over alongside a gravel road near hiking trails. My heart seemed as if it escaped my body, as it was pounding so profoundly against my chest. The news I had received had changed my life completely. Hot tears appeared instantly upon my cheeks, but my eyes were still.
I don’t agree with Leo’s choice because he only just made the problem even more difficult for Stargirl and himself. During the shunning and after his visit with Archie there were times where Leo would avoid Stargirl and also he wishes that they could be more like them or they could be more like Stargirl. He doesn’t really do anything to fix the shunning. The only thing he did was change Stargirl into Susan, but it seems like it was more for Leo not for Stargirl. He seem to love Susan more than Stargirl because she finally more like them. Like the rest of Mika students.