
Cinna Monologue

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Today I was called to go to my house. When I got there my mother tells me, "someone is here to see you." A man told me to go in. When I went in it smelled like blood and roses, and also there was a little white haired man in the chair. When he turned around looking at me with those snakelike eyes. The person was President Snow. I was speechless and I couldn't believe that he is here. He told me to sit down. Then he told me what is going on, "I have a problem, and it all started when you pulled out those poisonous berries." People think it was a act of defiance not an act of love. There could uprising in district 12. I said,"What is to prevent, say, an uprising?" Then my mom brings in some tea and cookies. President Snow said, " Did your mother …show more content…

Before today Peeta and I had a talk to the whole country of Panem. When I spin around my dress turned into a mockingjay outfit. Peeta said something to Haymitch," Any last words of advice?"Haymitch's last word of advice is"Stay alive." Just before we went in the game arena. Haymitch stops Peeta and me. "Katniss remember who the enemy is." Then Cinna comes and says see you later maybe. Then I say, "my dress was fantastic last night."Then the door swings open, and two peacekeepers come in and arrested Cinna. The peacekeepers started to hit Cinna with metal-stubbed gloves. I'm screaming my head off; banging on the unyielding glass trying to reach him. The peacekeepers ignore be and dragged Cinna's limb body from the room. All there was left was blood smears on the floor. I was sickened and terrified; then, the plate started to rise. Then I realized that the games were about to …show more content…

Everything seems to erupt at once. The earth explodes into showers of dirt and plant matter. Trees burst into flames, even the sky fills with brightly colored blossoms. I was wonder it there was going to be a victor of the Seventy-fifth Hunger Games. Then the hovercraft materializes above me without warning; then, the claw drops from the underside until it's directly overhead. I swim back into semiconscious, and I can feel I'm lying on a padded table. Then I here talking in the cock pilot. I ask it Prim, my mother, Gale was alive. "She's alive. So is your mother. I got them out in time," said Haymitch. There is no more district 12. Planes came in and bomb the whole district up. The whole district's covered with the stuff. Then Gale comes in and says,"there is no District

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