
Citizen, By Claudia Rankine Essay

Decent Essays

Citizen, is a book by the author Claudia Rankine, who was born in Jamaica, and then immigrated to the US at a young age. After seemingly absorbing and understanding the culture of America, she writes the book Citizen, to not only define violence, but as a voice to black individuals on the racism and violence they face daily. The book does a very good job of putting the reader in the shoes of a black individual in America, without not making it believable. The book has its own style, which is used to show the violence that blacks face daily. This book was the perfect addition to the course in the sense it unwittingly attempts to answer the question, “How does it feel to be a problem?”. In reading this book, I could directly identify with the various forms of violence and especially the violence against black individuals. Being a white moderate with seemingly no identity to find, at the time of reading this book, Citizen helped shape the ideas of what I would have to answer the question “How does it feel to be a problem?”, as well as helping me form an identity within myself. The question “How does it feel to be a problem?”, is a question that per Citizen, is not answered with a simple or easy solution. That being a problem is more a question on the individuals who have this problem, rather than the black individuals themselves who carry this burden of a” problem”. Citizen, for me helped illuminate the real problem which as described above is more of a matter of people who

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