What good can come of disobedience? Many have asked—especially those who’ve been obedient their entire life. Since the time our foot has entered kindergarten, everyone was taught to be respectful and usually, that meant being compliant to our teachers. Being obedient was engraved into our heads at a very young age and that it'll lead us to a better future. Can we honestly say it's our future that we are leading? We'll grow up being a sheep of mankind, and that's why being disobedient is crucial in life. Disobedience allows for society to progress because it generates a better future, promotes individualism, and changes how people view controversial subjects. From history, we can see the use of disobedience leading towards a better future, with …show more content…
The thought of a colored man and a white man sharing the same water fountain was sickening and highly controversial. Not with only with water fountains, but with literally almost everything in public like different seating in a bus or not allowed to go to the same schools. All of this would be a normal, everyday thing—it shouldn’t have—but until one key figure came and changed how many Americans viewed this topic. Martin Luther King Jr lived his life showing civil disobedience in a nonviolent manner in hopes of gaining rights for African Americans. He was a leader of the movement, who would often get arrested because he protested the treatment of blacks in Alabama. King is known “I Have A Dream” speech, an address about how men of any color should come together for the future of their children. This speech brought great attention towards racial equality and is one of the sole reason why we do not have segregation today. Kids from all over the world could now go to the same school and are able to drink out of the same water fountain. Thanks to King’s defiance against society, he changed how we see people, not based on their skin
Disobedience, in today’s culture, is inherently generalized to be something negative. However, there are times when disobedience is not just wrong, but desperately needed. Disobedience is the main cause of both social and political change. Thus Oscar Wilde’s claim that disobedience is a valuable human and that it prompts social progress - is most certainly correct and examples of it can be seen in both the American Revolution and the novel Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury. In these two examples we see that there is a right time to disobey as well as a right reason.
The author exemplifies the ways that disobedience helps the society and its contribution to furthering the human race but notes on the fact that blind obedience may eventually account for the end of civilization.
Disobedience is an important force in our society and helps bring about necessary social progress because it will lead to superior lives for its citizens. Oscar Wilde believed that through disobedience there is man’s original virtue. He asserts that civil disobedience promotes social progress. I agree with Wilde's belief because looking throughout centuries, society has shown a variety of situations with the act of practicing disobedience,and have achieved their goal.
Sometimes all it takes is a guy like David to provoke society to defeat Goliath. Throughout history there have been multiple examples of the power of civil disobedience and how it can be used as an instrument for change and the greater good. Ancient philosophers even came to terms with an example being Socrates of Athens. His beliefs have carried through time, and the concepts of civil disobedience have been used to create the play The Just Assassins. Even in todays western society we still reap the benefits of such concepts as is proven when Martin Luther King Jr. took a stand against westerns laws to amend the constitution intern giving African Americans basic human rights. Civil disobedience is a powerful instrument in society used
According to physicists, a ball will keep rolling forever until it is unbalanced by another force, such as grass. Similarly, in society, disobedience plays the role of the grass since it is the force that stops the ball and promotes change. If there is no force or disobedience, then no changes can ever be made to improve society, and the ball will keep rolling forever. Furthermore, throughout history, various individuals have stopped the ball by disobeying the government, which led to beneficial changes in society. Although some believe that individuals have a responsibility to obey the government, disobedience promotes social progress since, in the past, it has given people an opportunity to change an unfair government, it currently gives people a voice against unjust actions, and it allows people to freely support their beliefs that may lead to positive changes.
For the evidence provided throughout history, it’s shown that being disobedience can create progress. But this is not shown in all instances. For myself, I was having an argument with my Mom and I was not listening to what she was saying, being disobedient., I definitely would not create progress in anything, whether it be freedom or that argument being resolved, it just does not work. Overall, when disobedience is prominent there will be change and
Disobedience has proven to be necessary throughout humanity’s history, for it has brought us freedom, progress, and experience. Throughout these past centuries, humans have rebelled against social norms and their political oppressors to obtain the freedom and equality we enjoy nowadays, leading to the idea that disobedience and rebellion are important aspects in society. This in turn has also instilled in others the idea that disobedience isn’t proper, but rather detrimental to society, forgetting that rebellions and protests also fall under this category. This, however, doesn’t change the fact that disobedience in the past has actually helped humanity, as seen during the American Revolution
Civil disobedience acts as a force for evolutionary change in government and relieves the pressure that might otherwise create a need for revolutionary change. "In effect, in a democracy, apart from internal channels of expression of will -- the right to vote, strikes, demonstrations -- there is civil disobedience, a final stabilising mechanism functioning at once inside and outside of the system, actiing as a safety valve or social conflict, in that pressure-cooker which, in difficult times, is society (Tella, 2004, pg. 65)."
Civil Disobedience is an activist movement determined to persuade the greater public that the law in question is unjust. Since biblical times, civil disobedience has been used as a method to garner further attention to the way the nation is running, with examples such as Mahatma Gandhi leading a peaceful movement in India, or the protests against the Vietnam War. There are many arguments that can be made regarding the morality behind civil disobedience, especially in democratic-governed nations. Progress is defined as the government’s desire to improve social conditions for every individual in society, including ensuring individual rights, creating job opportunities and having healthy working conditions. There are many arguments that can be
From the time we are children and throughout the duration of our lives, we are told to abide by certain sets of rules. In most situations this is a perfectly acceptable expectation; speed limits, remaining quiet in libraries, and waiting until the age of twenty-one to drink are all reasonable things to ask of people. After all, these rules and laws are put in place to ensure a peaceful and safe society. However, when these rules begin to infringe upon the rights of certain groups, some citizens turn to civil disobedience as a form of protest. While some may argue that civil disobedience is nothing more than a violation of the law, it has also proven to have a positive impact on society, in more ways than one. Used by Mahatma Gandhi and Martin
There was a need for the people to gather like this because Marcos’ famous implementation of Martial Law led to the deaths of several thousands of Filipinos. This regulation suspended several of the rights of the Filipinos and granted Marcos the free use of military power, which he did, against any who opposed him.
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable” these are the words spoken by John F. Kennedy on the 16th of March 1962, they still ring true today. When oppression is allowed to run rampant under the hand of a government, and when the society in which these tyrannical laws or policies exist has determined it is unjust to combat said laws peacefully then it is accepted the only outcomes are brutality and suffering for those affected. Civil disobedience as it was used in the mid-1950s civil rights movement or the 1930s by Gandhi and the breaking of salt laws is the only acceptable definition civil disobedience. In today's world of protesting regarding looting and destroying, we seem to lose sight of what
Disobedience has been a man’s virtue ever since laws have been constructed. As a progression that has developed in our society , it is safely to indicate that disobedience is morally acceptable by the common people. In order for change, people have demonstrated disobedience successfully to promote social progress, change is impossible without disobedience.Our society has failed to realize that there is no such thing a “perfect society”. There are people in our society who agree with change and would sacrifice themselves for it through violence and multiple times of rejection. Many individuals known as the majority simply do not like change. This majority is the group that construct these laws that we must follow. Thoreau states ,” A majority is permitted , and for a long period continue, to rule, is not because they are mostly likely right, nor because this seems fairest to the minority, but because they are physically the strongest.” Although we do perceive the system as the strongest, citizens still use disobedience to challenge the system’s authority. Disobedience is a man’s virtue when our natural rights are being violated by the majority . In order for change to occur the common people must use disobedience to fight the injustice in their society to promote social progress.
The right to express oneself through acts of Civil Disobedience is one of the unique freedoms that we are afforded as American citizens. Our founding fathers sought for freedom from tyranny, thus laying the foundation for the people's ability to safely protest against perceived or real injustices without fear of harm. Increasingly around the world we see examples of citizens willing to die for this right. Here at home the right to peaceful protest has come under question of late, with many public figures protesting police brutality against African-American citizens. Many feel these protests are disrespectful to the values we hold most dear. Upon further introspection, one may realize that these protests are possible only because of those very same values. Free Speech and the capacity to assemble are some of the most hard-fought freedoms that our founders worked so hard to achieve, In retrospect, it is evident that those freedoms were only provided to white males, as many of the founding fathers were owners of African slaves. Part of the continued conflict we are experiencing today goes back to the long and continued struggle of African-American citizens to access these same freedoms that others have long taken for granted. If it were not for the brave acts of civil disobedience by Rosa Parks, Dr. King, and other brave souls we may not have the modest level of progress we see today. Maybe this new generation of protesters may encourage change that will impact generations to
Martin Luther King Jr., Mahatma Gandhi, Rosa Parks. These are just a few of the individuals who utilized the tool of civil disobedience to better the world. The word “disobedience” usually has negative connotations and strikes fear into the hearts of those who value order. However, civil disobedience is essential to the health of free society as it is, in fact, what keeps these societies free.