
Civil Disobedience Definition Essay

Decent Essays

What good can come of disobedience? Many have asked—especially those who’ve been obedient their entire life. Since the time our foot has entered kindergarten, everyone was taught to be respectful and usually, that meant being compliant to our teachers. Being obedient was engraved into our heads at a very young age and that it'll lead us to a better future. Can we honestly say it's our future that we are leading? We'll grow up being a sheep of mankind, and that's why being disobedient is crucial in life. Disobedience allows for society to progress because it generates a better future, promotes individualism, and changes how people view controversial subjects. From history, we can see the use of disobedience leading towards a better future, with …show more content…

The thought of a colored man and a white man sharing the same water fountain was sickening and highly controversial. Not with only with water fountains, but with literally almost everything in public like different seating in a bus or not allowed to go to the same schools. All of this would be a normal, everyday thing—it shouldn’t have—but until one key figure came and changed how many Americans viewed this topic. Martin Luther King Jr lived his life showing civil disobedience in a nonviolent manner in hopes of gaining rights for African Americans. He was a leader of the movement, who would often get arrested because he protested the treatment of blacks in Alabama. King is known “I Have A Dream” speech, an address about how men of any color should come together for the future of their children. This speech brought great attention towards racial equality and is one of the sole reason why we do not have segregation today. Kids from all over the world could now go to the same school and are able to drink out of the same water fountain. Thanks to King’s defiance against society, he changed how we see people, not based on their skin

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