
Civil Rights Act Of 1964

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A law in relation to Public Health can be defined as, “any statute, rule or local ordinance that has the purpose of promoting or protecting the public health and that establishes the authority of the Department of Human Services, the Public Health Director, the Public Health Officer, a local public health authority or local public health administrator to enforce the statute, rule or local ordinance” (Public Health Law). An example of a law in the case study in chapter 1 would be The Civil Rights Act of 1964. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 states, “ no personal shall discriminate based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program …show more content…

By having the hospitals desegregated this enforced the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Implementation decisions are made in conjunction with rules and regulations to directly help each other and enforce the law. When Mr. Terry went to check for compliance in the hospitals he found a many hospitals where officially desegregated but unofficially segregated. An example of implementation decisions would be to keep the hospitals who were receiving federal funding in compliance with the Civil Rights Act by reporting if the hospitals violates the act. However, that was easier said then done. When Mr. Terry showed up and saw clear segregation the hospitals made excuses as to why their patients weren’t shared the same treatment. Another example would be charging more money for the same service at segregated hospitals. An example of a judicial decision in the case study is when Eaton vs. Board of Managers of the James Walker Memorial Hospital was brought before the courts when three African American doctors were not given privileges at the hospital. Even though the courts ruled against them the case was still a vital part of health care and social …show more content…

The NAACP legal team , Surgeon General Luther Terry, M.D., and African American physicians are just some of the examples that directly impacted the making of this act. The NAACP helped African America doctors and well patients fight in the courts with Eaton vs. Board of Managers of the James Walker Memorial Hospital and Simkins vs. Moses H. Cone Memorial Hospital. These cases brought social and political awareness and demanded change gaining supporters to join in the cause. Surgeon General Luther Terry, M.D. who collected data, saw what hospitals were complying with the new regulations, and wrote a report as was of great social importance. His findings also boosted the social movement giving it a base. His findings stated even though hospitals were officially desegregated the hospitals were finding was to still be segregated. This meant more needed to be done to ensure proper desegregation at all hospitals that were given federal

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