
Civil Rights And Discrimination In The Workplace

Satisfactory Essays

There are multiple ways that people can be discriminated against. If you are being

discriminated against you need to go talk to your human resources manager because there is

no excuse for discrimination. It should not matter of your race or color or sexual orientation.

Did you also know that the eeoc which stands for U.S. equal employment opportunity

commission’s is celebrating their 50th year of making sure everyone is treated fairly and make

sure everyone is treated like humans and not like someone that has a dieses.

There is a couple of federal laws that are enforced by the u.s equal employment opportunity

commissions. For example like the pregnancy act. Which means a woman cannot be

discriminated against for pregnancy, childbirth, or anything that results from childbirth ore …show more content…

There cannot be no retaliation for reporting a discrimination or a discrimination

law suit. The pregnancy act was formed at the bottom of the civil rights act in 1964 by the

Senate and the House of

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