
Civil War And The Cold War

Decent Essays

Americans have faced many obstacles since 1968. Homes in the United States have encounter problems during the Vietnam War and the Cold War. Freedom is one of the aspect individual’s are fighting for, president and union leaders are fighting for freedom. Union leader like Cesar Chavez, the son of migrant farm workers and an admirer of Martin Luther king, and also the founder of the United Farm Workers Union (UFW) has fought for farm workers with nonviolence boycott and strikes. In 1969, he addresses that the agribusiness system has kept the farm workers enslaved and that they had suffered enough. In order to overcome the situation they must strike with non violence to seek to be free and be a human. However, as the world has changed in 1980’s Jerry Falwell sees freedom differently. He insisted that America should reverse itself because the society has become immorality. With the loss of the Vietnam War, America has become depressed and weaken. But, in 1981 Ronald Reagan has repair America with his speech addressing that no ones wants to be anywhere but America and that we are the only free country. To have aids, food, and poverty is the meaning of freedom. Caesar mentions in his letter to Mr. Barr that nonviolent strikes are what” participation and self- determination remain the best experience of freedom, and free men instinctively prefer democratic change and even protect the rights guaranteed to seek it.” (Chavez, 296). Just like the enslaved African-Americans that has

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