
Civilization Vs. Savagery In Lord Of The Flies By William Golding

Decent Essays

In the novel, Lord of the Flies by William Golding a group of young boys stranded on a island come in contact with many internal and external conflicts. In this novel many symbols appear throughout the book foreshadowing and giving more insight to major events in the book. Some of the meaningful symbols are the conch shell, signal fire, and the most key symbol the beast. All of these symbols weave together to create and bring together the theme of civilization vs. savagery. One of the first symbols to appear in the story is the conch shell; it is used to bring order during the boys meeting in the first part of the story, making it a symbol for organization and lawfulness . As the story progresses the boys lose sight of order and turn to the world of chaos. Once the conch shell is destroyed the civilized world the boys once lived in becomes unglued and they lose sight of domestication. This shows how fragile civilization is and how fastly it can fall apart. …show more content…

The boys tended to the fire closely in the beginning to flag down ships for help in the desire of being rescued. Their main goal in the start of the book is to return back to humanity but that soon quickly changes as they lose sight of what's important and become power hungry. As the book develops the boys start to fall to the savagery way of life and their link to civilization becomes weaker. This symbol shows how quickly human nature can embrace a different lifestyle in order to maintain the power around them to control others and

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