
Class, And Sex: Women Redefining Differene By Audre Lorde

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“Othering” can be described as the process of labeling particular members that are unlike the “normal” or “regular” population by presenting them in certain character stereotypes or groups as opposed to in a variety of roles that display their actual lifestyles and experiences. Many times, when individuals join for a common cause, their herd-like mentality compels away the unique outlooks that each individual has to bring. We forget that although there is a secure mutuality, each person has uniqueness, and his or her own story to tell. It may not even be just one story, but a collection of events and experiences that have shaped the individual. The struggle against racism, sexism, and any sort of oppressive force based on our differences, …show more content…

Here, we are able to see that the misinterpretation among women, and in general all humanity, is the problem. It is not the other itself but more, the act of othering without acknowledging the misinterpretation. It is this act, whether knowingly there or disruptively by means of social training that allows for distance and separation. Lorde alludes to the fact that this separation is in fact more importantly the problem to overcome. Most people would hope that by ignoring what is, “different,” difference would altogether just go away and not affect them. In this specific essay, Audre Lorde however, demands one to do just the opposite, recognize it and deal with it. One can be aware of what is different but it is not until one accepts the difference and declares understanding of it that one can act upon it to remove the barrier of separation and ignorance. In this reading along with other reading we have done in class as well, the process of other has taught us that if it doesn’t fit the norm, it does not necessarily mean it is any less worthy than what does fall under the …show more content…

If we lived in an ideal world, people would be accepted for their strengths and weaknesses, and would be admired for their differences, and the precious offerings these differences could bring to society. However, I do believe that at this point in time, othering is a given. People frequently reveal their own insecurities on others, by appearing to victimize those who are different from them, merely because they are not entirely content with themselves. Human nature also prescribes the obligation of people to aim towards an ideal. This quest many times seems to single out those who are different, consequently othering them which is exactly how Allison felt in her essay. We also learn in the reading, that the worst thing that can happen to differences is having them become so mute that it is unimaginable to even speak of without generating fear. Othering is unavoidable as long as individuals find differences intimidating and condemnable all because of a misunderstanding and denial thereof to acknowledge differences despite one’s personal position. In our society, where we live in a bubble of varying cultures, opinions, races, sexual orientations, and ways of life, most of the people in possession of these ideas plunge

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