
Class Differences In Sociological Analysis

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Social structures are limitations that affect the lives of individuals and groups in the society. Social structures such as class, gender and ethnicity are the limitations that society has to cope with in one way or another (Lawson et al, 2002). Class (upper-class, middle-class, and poor) is a the most favoured limitation that influence the lives of individuals and groups. Social class is the key source of economic and material inequality and is found in all societies (Marron et al, 2011).
Karl Marx and Max Weber are two classical sociologists that explain the term social structures in global perspective. Karl Marx argued that there were two classes: the ruling class (bourgeoisie) and the working class (proletariat) (Chris Yuill et al, …show more content…

First, he compared class with a market situation, where emphasized that wealth is unevenly distributed as some people have it and some people do not have it. This perspective focuses on the people who own productive wealth such as skills, qualifications and experience. Meaning that working class people can share a common set of life chances and opportunities. Secondly, Weber is most concerned the role of social stratification meaning that people have accepted social stratification as a way of life (Bereday, 1977, p196). Society stratifies its people into social classes according to their values to the society, and through social stratification individuals strive to perform different roles according to their ability, thus enabling an effective society (Llewellyn, 2008). Thirdly, he talked about political party. People form political organisation to advancing or put the class interests into action. The relevant of class has been criticised, that “it is an outmoded concept as we all are now working class” (Sayer, …show more content…

People that lives in a deprived area are more likely to smell poverty (Macdonald et al, 2005). The wealth or poverty of an urban environment influences the type of public services and private sector enterprises (Annandale, 2014). For example, women born between 2010 and 2012, the life expectation in a relatively well-to-do region of Dorset was 86.6 years and 78.5 years for the women born in a relatively poor region of Glasgow. Also, men aged 65 in a relatively well-to-do region of Harrow, could hope to live for another 20.9 years compared to 14.9 years in Glasgow (ONS,

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