
Classic Tale of Little Woman: Acting Project Paper

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The classic tale of “Little Woman” has taken a place on many bookshelves throughout the world. The story follows the March girls through 15 years of their lives and is written in a very pronounced omniscient voice. Jo, Meg, Beth, and Amy live with their mother in New England. The Civil War is upon the nation and the March’s father is off serving as a preacher for the soldiers. The March women are back at home trying to keep the family together with the little money that they have. But life is not all gloom and dark for the March girls. A handsome boy comes to live next door, Theodore Laurence, which they soon learn to call “Laurie” or “Teddy”.
Each March girl learns her life lesson in Little Woman. Meg, the oldest, puts aside her love for fine things to marry a tutor and live her life simply. Jo, the second oldest, is very boyish and wishes to own the same freedoms that men do, she learns to embrace her womanhood. Beth is too terribly shy and learns to be brave in her last hours of life. Amy, the youngest of the March family, is very selfish and wishes to live the life of a queen. She then learns that money is not everything and that love is worth more than gold.
One of the major key components of the drama starts when Meg marries John Brooke. Jo is afraid of change and tries to ruin their relationship. Laurie takes this emotional time to express his love for Jo. Jo is shocked and refuses him hardily, saying that she only thinks of him as a true friend. Jo leaves the March

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