
Classical Conditioning And Operant Conditioning

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One major aspect of psychology is learning. Learning can be defined as the change of a being’s behavior or actions brought about by its experiences. Learning has multiple forms and facets. Two of the most important of these are what are known as classical conditioning and operant conditioning. These forms of learning are very practical and can be seen and used in everyday life. Classical and operant conditioning are different forms of learning which have importance in everyday life and can be found in advertising, PTSD, and even lifestyle changes. To fully understand the importance of classical and operant conditioning, it is important to first understand what they are and how they are different. Classical conditioning is a form of learning that occurs when an organism comes to respond to a once neutral stimulus that has been paired with another stimulus, which produces an immediate, automatic response. Classical conditioning, to take it further, occurs when an unconditioned response to a neutral stimulus becomes a conditioned response to the neutral, now conditioned stimulus. Operant conditioning, on the other hand, is learning that is driven by consequences of behavior, either positive or negative. Classical and operant conditioning have several differences. In classical conditioning, an organism is taught to associate stimuli. Organisms, in turn, learn by association. Operant conditioning, on the other hand, is not about association.

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