
Classical Realism And Classical Liberalism

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Classical liberalism fuses commercial liberalism, democratic liberalism, and regulatory liberalism in order to explain international relations. Similarly, idealism, which is the name given to classical liberalism in IR, mainly focuses on the impact of trade interdependence, joint democracy, and IGO membership in generating international cooperation. Like classical liberalism, neoidealism, focuses on the factors contributing to international cooperation; however there are important differences between the two as well. In this essay, I will discuss how neoidealism is different from classical liberalism. First, I’ll discuss classical liberalism. Second, I’ll discuss neoidealism. Third, I’ll discuss how neodiealism is different from classical liberalism. Fourth, and finally, I’ll conclude with a summary of the main points of the essay. As noted above, classical liberalism is a fusion of three different types of liberalism. Classical liberalism attributes regime types of states as the compelling force behind cooperation in international relations. The cooperation between states is possible due to trade interdependence, joint democracy, and NGO membership. Trade interdependence fosters economic relations through trade that facilitate cooperation. Further, Oneal and Russett (1997), state that democratic norms in joint democracies compel peaceful relations between states. Due to shared norms and institutions of two democratic countries, they are more likely to cooperate.

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