
Classroom Demographics Paper

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A. Classroom Demographics The classroom demographic factor I chose gender ratios. One instructional strategy I could use collaborative groups. My rationale for choosing this instructional strategy when students interact with each other to share knowledge and solve problems it builds collaboration skills and deeper understanding of materials. Students are placed in groups or pairs to fulfill a task or assignment given by the teacher. Collaborative groups create a motivation, critical thinking skills, and active learning as well as learn to work with others and manipulate information to build knowledge. A learning activity I could use is having a student led debate. My rationale for choosing this learning activity because it allows students …show more content…

The teacher will choose a controversial topic, they must prepare a well-supported paragraph stating their position stating if they strongly agree, agree, strongly disagree, or just disagree. Next, students will move to the corner of the classroom where they see their position posted on the wall. Once students move to their corner, they get 10 minutes to discuss their thoughts, and appoint one person the note-taker and one person the speaker. At the end of the 10 minutes, invite each speaker to state her case on the topic. This allows students to collaborate with peers as well keep them engaged throughout the lesson/debate. Students are able to practice the debate activity and eventually will be comfortable enough to use it a lot in the classroom as well as in the future. The instructional strategy and learning activity connect to gender ratios because they allow students to increase collaboration despite their male or female status. The more genders mingle in the classroom, the more they will accept one another for who they are. Collaboration and fun learning activities helps students to look past their …show more content…

For this procedure, the teacher utilizes a call and response technique to get the students attention quickly. The teacher loud and firm says, “3 listen….2 focus….1 stop.” Between each number the teacher pauses for 3 seconds, so the students will have time to respond appropriately. This technique is used to quite a noisy classroom, facilitate instruction, or to get the students attention quickly. At the beginning of the year, the students and teacher practiced this procedure and eventually it became second nature to the students. The call and response procedure is used to facilitate instruction. Instructions are facilitated quickly because the call and response allows students to stop talking or pay attention to what the teacher wants the students to hear. This procedure allows students to pay attention the first time and minimizes distractions of students asking classmates what the teacher said or having the teacher repeat multiple times what they said. When students understand procedures and what is expected of them, and then they will be more successful in responding when

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