A. Classroom Demographics The classroom demographic factor I chose gender ratios. One instructional strategy I could use collaborative groups. My rationale for choosing this instructional strategy when students interact with each other to share knowledge and solve problems it builds collaboration skills and deeper understanding of materials. Students are placed in groups or pairs to fulfill a task or assignment given by the teacher. Collaborative groups create a motivation, critical thinking skills, and active learning as well as learn to work with others and manipulate information to build knowledge. A learning activity I could use is having a student led debate. My rationale for choosing this learning activity because it allows students …show more content…
The teacher will choose a controversial topic, they must prepare a well-supported paragraph stating their position stating if they strongly agree, agree, strongly disagree, or just disagree. Next, students will move to the corner of the classroom where they see their position posted on the wall. Once students move to their corner, they get 10 minutes to discuss their thoughts, and appoint one person the note-taker and one person the speaker. At the end of the 10 minutes, invite each speaker to state her case on the topic. This allows students to collaborate with peers as well keep them engaged throughout the lesson/debate. Students are able to practice the debate activity and eventually will be comfortable enough to use it a lot in the classroom as well as in the future. The instructional strategy and learning activity connect to gender ratios because they allow students to increase collaboration despite their male or female status. The more genders mingle in the classroom, the more they will accept one another for who they are. Collaboration and fun learning activities helps students to look past their …show more content…
For this procedure, the teacher utilizes a call and response technique to get the students attention quickly. The teacher loud and firm says, “3 listen….2 focus….1 stop.” Between each number the teacher pauses for 3 seconds, so the students will have time to respond appropriately. This technique is used to quite a noisy classroom, facilitate instruction, or to get the students attention quickly. At the beginning of the year, the students and teacher practiced this procedure and eventually it became second nature to the students. The call and response procedure is used to facilitate instruction. Instructions are facilitated quickly because the call and response allows students to stop talking or pay attention to what the teacher wants the students to hear. This procedure allows students to pay attention the first time and minimizes distractions of students asking classmates what the teacher said or having the teacher repeat multiple times what they said. When students understand procedures and what is expected of them, and then they will be more successful in responding when
Mention separating students and putting them in same sex classrooms or even schools guarantees an uproar, however what most students don’t realize is that when making the great divide it actually creates a better learning environment and it unlocks opportunities for their future. Of course students will need time to adapt and most should take into consideration that just because they’re put into different classrooms doesn’t mean that their grades will automatically be golden. This approach is taken to understand the different learning styles of the male and female. With this, new lesson plans will be able to be assembled to suit their divergent needs.
She states that men tend to participate more in the classroom setting because they like having the “center stage” , while women tend to talk more when they are in smaller groups because they like to tell secrets. What is different about men and women according to the article is that men usually bond by exchanging insults, although women usually bond by “talking about troubles.” Different teaching styles can lead to more diverse classroom conversations like how open-ended questions can lead to more participation from women. Tannen decided to do an experiment with her classroom to observe
How Can These Challenges Be Addressed. The changing of disability rates, the size of the economy and efforts at privatization may affect how much of an economic burden these programs will impose in the future. As a result, household financial wealth in the world's major economies will be roughly $31 trillion lower in 20 years than it would have been if historical demographic trends had persisted. Raising the retirement age, easing restrictions on immigration, encouraging families to have more children, and achieving faster economic growth will have little impact on this shortfall. To fill it, households and governments will have to increase their savings rates and national economies will have to allocate capital more efficiently, thereby boosting returns (Farrell, 2005).
A student’s cohort membership can affect his or her readiness for school by having to deal with the new changes they will have. If a student comes from a cohort in which Internet use was routine, they would depend on the Internet for everything like homework, social media, etc. Nowadays, students from high school already start using chromebooks to do their assignments and their textbooks are now in the digital form. Even some students from middle school and elementary use electronic devices to learn. To have new technology and changes every year or so always has its own benefits and its own drawbacks.
Pekin Illinois is a relatively small community located in Central Illinois half way between St. Louis and Chicago. It boasted a total community population of 33857 during the last census period of 2008. The total population consisted of roughly a 50/50 male to female ratio with a median age of 37.1 and represented 94.4% Caucasian, 2.4% African American, 1.9% Hispanic and 1.1% Asian races. Due to this population mix many of the culturally and racially indicated diseases states, such as type 2 diabetes, cerebrovascular and peripheral vascular diseases are not as prevalent as coronary heart disease and other related diseases such as heart failure, high blood pressure, elevated cholesterol and obesity.
Did you know that 73% of people around the world thinks that it's good to have recess. Recess is a time for students and teachers to have a break from school work. I think recess is important because students need to be healthy, soalicalise with others, get a break from school work/teachers.
Demographic data is the first type of data I collected. Bernhardt (2013) describes demographic data as information that, “set the context for the school, describe those who are teaching and learning in the school, and help us understand all other numbers” (pp. 28). Examples of such data include the number of students and teachers in the school, the ethnical breakdown of the school, the socioeconomic status of students in the school, and the grade levels found in the school, among many others (Bernhardt, 2013). All of this data is studied to look at trends within a school, which then help to create plans to improve the school. Byron Center has been steadily growing over the past five years and is still continuing to grow, as new housing developments
The greater Cincinnati tristate area consists of 3 states. Kentucky, Ohio, and Indiana. All of these states contain there own individual attributives as well as unique personalities and groups. These groups can be separated into there own categories. The first being "The Yankees" they come from the most northern area such as downtown Cincinnati. The next group is "The Rednecks" this group consists of farmers from the northern Kentucky area. The last group is "The hippies" which consists of the outer Cincinnati and northern Kentucky area. Each of these groups offer unique skills that insure individuality and diversity in my home town.
Interactions between groups of people at sports events, especially on college campuses, have a large presence and seem to bring groups of people together. A group in sociology can be defined as people who interact with one another and who believe that what they have in common is significant; also called a social group. The audience ranged from children to seniors, from diverse race and age, but all seemed to share multiple norms and behaviors throughout the game that were fascinating to observe. The subjects, though very diverse subgroups in the audience are being studied, held similar norms and behaviors that created a sense of community among the audience, especially when specific obvious behaviors were reciprocated
Students should always have daily recess. “Recess provides an essential component of a child’s education and developmental needs” (The Effects of Pre-Correction and Active Supervision on Recess Behavior of Elementary Students). “Recess is defined as a regularly scheduled period within the school day for physical activity and play that is monitored by trained staff or volunteers. Recess periods should not be a replacement for physical education classes. Recess is a period of time when students are encouraged to be physically active and engaged with their peers in activities of their choice” (Strategies for Recess in Schools).
The therapy tool I explored and critiqued was the Language Lab RTI. This therapy tool is a response to intervention (RTI) program for teaching grammar, vocabulary and story telling. It is designed for elementary school students from grade kinder through fourth whose English language abilities are below grade level standards. After exploring this therapy tool, I found it to be a great intervention tool because it is a 15-hour program that provides tier II and III language intervention for children in groups of 2-4. The language lab RTI comes in a box and contains all the required materials for the program. This intervention program can be done in a clinic setting or in a classroom, which is perfect for school aged children. The main goal for
The following discussions took place over several separate observations; the participants were three paraprofessionals, three special education teachers, and one assistant principal. The discussion centered on the Booktrack website and its usefulness for students receiving special education services. The paraprofessionals, Diamond, Karla, and Cindy, work in the Challenge program at Alameda High School in Jefferson County Colorado. One of the teachers, Dan, is from the same program and is responsible for eleventh and twelfth graders. The other teacher, Amy, works at Hamilton Middle School in Denver. The assistant principal, Deana, works for Dupont Elementary in Adams County 14.
Ana is a 10-year-old girl in a general education 5th grade classroom at an elementary school in the Bronx. With regards to her academic Ana struggles with reading and writing skills. Ana told me that she often needed individual assistance to complete her assignments both in school and at home. She also told me that she was taken out of her classroom twice a week to see a speech therapist. I selected this child for my observation because I wanted to see if she is able to adapt to different surroundings and concentrate in reading while being in a place with strangers. For children taking them out of their comfort zone sometimes inhibits them from giving their full potentials. Ana’s mother Sandra told me that in school Ana is talkative and easily
Earlier today I attended the lecture which was being held in the Hutton Honors College. It was presented Casey K. Morewedge on the very interesting topic food and how it related to other physical cravings that are present in the human. Titled, “Thought for Food: How Imagnined Consumption Influences Actual Consumption” Casey K. Morewedge debunks popular beliefs in regards to human physical cravings. His lecture was based on the principal that cravings can be increased, decreased, or forgotten based on mental exercises which he presented to the audience.
Schools boards are important to the four pillars of democracy. By letting a student under the age of 16 go to school no matter their gender, religion, or culture, the school board practices: justice, equity, and freedom. Justice is shown when the school board shows that it respects any gender, culture or religion. School boards do not ban anyone that has a “different” gender, religion or culture. Everyone is welcomed and wanted. The school board makes policies to make sure that educational standards are met by teachers and they reflect the community’s values. They also make justice by creating rules that the teachers, students, and administration have to follow. The school board allows policy to be debated and decisions can be appealed. They