
Classroom Management And Teaching Strategies

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This training was conducted in a blended mode, that is, it involved an online self-paced learning followed by an interactive online discussion and ended with a face-to-face action learning. That is, the training blended the online mode (Stage 1: online self-paced and Stage 2: online discussion) with the offline mode (Stage 3: face-to-face action learning). The modules in LeP were as follows:
CM 1: Classroom Management and Teaching Strategies
CM 2: Blended Learning in Hospitality School
CM 3: Problem-based Learning in Hospitality School
CM 4: Learning Outcomes
CM 5: Teaching and Learning Theories
CM 6: Assessment and Evaluation

This e-training programme was registered under the Malaysian Human Resources Development Fund (HRDF). It …show more content…

Also, the lecturers acquired an insight into blended learning which was promoted by the government of Malaysia in its 5-year e-learning strategy.

The time taken to complete each module varied according to the lecturer’s availability and workload. Some of them required less than a month while others needed more. Nonetheless, the average time to complete all six modules was 7.7 months. During this period, whatever they learned from the training they could immediately apply to their teaching. When they encountered any problems or issues, they could bring them up for discussion in the forum or refer to the trainers. In this manner, lecturers acquired what was termed as on-demand-knowledge.
All the six modules were available in a purpose-built training portal and lecturers could access these modules 24-7. Each module was self-contained. Stage 1 and Stage 2 of a module received minimum supervision from the author who was the trainer. Only at Stage 3, lecturers discussed face-to-face real-world cases with the instructor. In LeP, the pace of progress from one module to another usually slowed down at Stage 2 (forum) and Stage 3 (face-to-face). It was because there was a need to have a minimum of five lecturers to sustain productive interactions. In LeP, once started, lecturers must complete a module within a month. However, it was not necessary to move on to another module

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