
Classroom Observation Paper

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The field site was Highline’s Cafe and sitting area in building 8. The Cafe and sitting area are in an L shaped part of building 8. The Cafe is at the end of this L and doesn't take much space up, the rest of the building is full of tables with chairs and just chairs on their own. Some tables are high up requiring stools, some of the chairs are made up of metal while others fabric and cushion. The Cafe is where students can get something to eat or drink, and the numerous sitting areas can let students study and converse with other students. I sat in one of the chairs closest to the entrance so that I could observe the whole space. My first observation was when someone would walk through the entrance that whether or not they were going to get something from the Cafe, they would look for a place to sit. …show more content…

I believe this was because the person finding a seat did not know the other person already sitting at the table and there's also a norm of personal space. While observing I realized that those sitting in groups would be talking with each other, while those sitting alone would be on their phone. As a sign of respect and showing interest in the conversation, I believe those in groups didn't want to be on their phones while immersed in conversation. The people on their phones I assumed were doing so to make themselves look busy, and avoid seeming “lonely”. The norm of personal space applied in the Cafe line as well. Everyone in line stood the same approximate space apart from each other. The people in line also did not talk to each other, only with the Cafe workers. When a person got into someone else's space in line they would apologize or say excuse me. Personally, when I am in line I try to keep to myself to not annoy others around

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