
Claudia Carlson Letter 'Sweet Schadenfreude'

Satisfactory Essays

RE: Claudia Carlson letter (3/10), responding to my letter "Sweet Schadenfreude" (2/23). Actually, Schadenfreude “shad-en-froyd-uh” has nothing to do with hatred. Few things in life are as ubiquitous as schadenfreude. It surrounds us wherever we go. It comes from the German schaden meaning “damage” and freude meaning “joy.” Combine these two and you have a word that refers to the feeling of enjoyment that comes from seeing or hearing about the troubles of other people. Put in those terms, we all have experienced schadenfreude, and it can be sweet. Do we not revel in the.... - misfortune when opposing politicians make public gaffes or embarrass themselves? - misfortune of co-workers who fail so we ourselves have the advantage to get ahead?

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