
Clean Water Act Lab

Decent Essays

The Clean Water act of 1972 was intended to regulate the discharge of pollutants into United States water. The Environmental protection Agency established the standard of waste water and the quality of water contaminants in the surface water. The Clean water Act have prohibited discharging pollutant from a point source. ("History of the Clean Water Act | Laws & Regulations | US EPA", 2016). Glyphosate is a broad spectrum herbicide, is one the commonly used herbicides in the agricultural field. Glyphosate which is sold under the named roundup are used to kill weeds. “The impact of Glyphosate herbicides have been widely study in the terrestrial weed control”, There are fewer research completed on the effect of Glyphosate on fresh water. (Perez et al Zagares 2007). USGS states that …show more content…

The purpose of this experiment is to see how roundup effects invertebrate’s species like daphnia, and the measurement of the aquatic toxicity test. My hypothesis for this lab is that the mortality percentage of Daphnia will rise as the concertation of the tested product roundup increases, in one of the concertation’s I didn’t think any of the daphnia will survive. Materials and Methods: For the experimental part of this lab, my lab partners and I used six 100 miller liters of beakers and label each baker with concertation percentage of 100%, 50 %, 25 %. 12.5%, 6.25%, and 0%. For the next step of the experiment we used a graduated cylinder

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