
Clergy And Nobles: The French Revolution

Decent Essays

1. Why was the French Revolution so influential and why did its ideas spread so far beyond France? (Short Answer).
The French were so influential because at that time France was expanding into a very dominant society and struck a pose as the leading nation in Europe. Their intellectual movement from “old regime” to “modern society” developed a standard among other estates and even nations followed French ideas, technology, and their language became international to the upper class and educated (Palmer, Colton, & Kramer 2014).
By the 1780’s, France was almost bankrupt and it was divided up into three separate estates the first estate (clergy), second estate (nobility), and third estate (common people) (Palmer, Colton, & Kramer 2014). The first …show more content…

Both the Clergy and Nobles had many privileges compared to the Common People, such as not having to pay taxes they also live in luxury (Palmer, Colton, & Kramer 2014). While the Common People set behind and watched this taking place, they were the people working the hard jobs and paying the taxes (Palmer, Colton, & Kramer 2014). This influenced the French Revolution inciting the Third Estate to react in protest for their rights and …show more content…

In addition, he was able to create a massive domain, from 1810 to 1811, his inspiration was at its farthest yet comprising all “European mainland except the Balkan peninsula” (Palmer, Colton, & Kramer 2014). The empire was comprised of two segments France and all of its “allied states” such as Russia, Prussia, Austria, Sweden, Denmark, Belgium, and the Left Bank of the Rhine (Palmer, Colton, & Kramer 2014). Napoleon had a rather large family and made use of them turning his empire in a family affair, appointing his brothers, sister, or relatives as royalty throughout Europe (Palmer, Colton, & Kramer

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