
Clerks Certification Ceremony

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The UNC School of Government was buzzing with excitement on the afternoon of October 30th. That Friday, [Get number] of the state’s newest and most promising municipal leaders took part in the 2015 Clerks’ Certification Ceremony. The Clerks’ Certification Institute, founded in [Get year], is open to city and county clerks and regional agency secretaries and their deputies. This year’s program, which offered courses on a number of topics- ranging from general overviews on the state government to local government finance- also fostered a meaningful environment of collaboration and camaraderie that will continue long after the ceremony. To many of the Institute’s students, new director Trey Allen played a huge role in the program’s vibrant and enriching atmosphere. According to City of Oxford Clerk Barbara Rote, her favorite part of the program was its variety. “The diversity of the program and the interactions we had with different speakers and one another really equipped us with the knowledge and resources to become competent leaders,” said Robin shortly before the certification ceremony began. Agreeing, Robin Keller from Guilford County mentioned, “The program’s [diversity and complexity] really captured the uniqueness of being a clerk.” For clerks, the word “uniqueness” to characterize the profession may be …show more content…

He drew on an interaction with a student he had within the first week of the program. “She left her children behind. She didn’t know if she could handle it,” Allen told the crowd, “but she said that her colleagues gave her the motivation to continue.” Warm glances and smiles were exchanged by the clerks as Allen continued, “Regardless of your personal and professional challenges, you all came eager to learn and share the insights you’ve acquired through your own

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