
Clostridium Difficile

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Clostridium Difficile The healthcare professional can expect to encounter various conditions within their scope of experience. Clostridium difficile represents one of the most common and challenging nosocomial infections that can cause life-threatening complications such as hypervolemia, sepsis, pain, and peritonitis (Grossman and Mager 155). The recognition, diagnosis, treatment and inhibition of transmission of this bacterium are imperative in order to limit infection and prevent death. “Clostridium difficile is a gram positive, spore forming anaerobic bacillus, which may or may not carry the genes for toxin A-B production” (Patel 102). In the 1930’s, Hall and O’Toole …show more content…

Contact precautions include: the patients being placed in private rooms, performing proper hand hygiene with antimicrobial soap and water, using friction for 15 seconds, and using gloves and gowns during patient care (Keske and Letizia 332). “One should also ensure adequate cleaning and disinfection of environmental surfaces and reusable devices. The uses of both buffered and buffered phosphate hypochlite solutions (bleach) have been shown to decrease the rate of C. difficile contamination and helps in reducing Clostridium Difficile associated disease (CDAD) rates” (Patel 104). A patient diagnosed with CDAD, must discontinue the use of the prior antibiotics. “Excessive antibiotic use and the lack of available treatment options remain major challenges in the prevention and treatment of CDAD. Antibiotic use is both a risk factor for CDAD and the mainstay of treatment” (Crawford, Huesgen and Danziger 934). The primary antibiotic treatment is determined by the patient’s white blood cell count (WBC). Metronidazole and Vancomycin are the most common choices (Keske and Letizia 331). Current research has suggested that Fidaxomicin is well tolerated and has been effective in patients who have presented with a recurrent CDAD. Fidaxomicin is still in the clinical trial phase of

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