
Coaching: A Career As A Business Mentor

Decent Essays

A business mentor will help you eliminate overwhelming feelings in a myriad of ways.
It's one thing to show up to a job as an employee and check in from 9 to 5. It's an entirely different situation when you run the business and you seemingly never clock out. While managing the business can feel all-consuming, it doesn't have to overtake you. There are a few strategic things that you can do to make sure that you delegate and outsource the right tasks. Additionally, it's also really important to have accountability and support when you're running your own microbusiness. Knowing this it's best to hire a business coach to keep you on track. There are three key ways a business advisor can really help you propel forward in your business and achieve incredible success.

1. Connections
As a small business …show more content…

Extra Set of Experienced Eyes

It's very wise to have an extra set of eyes that observes your work, systems and processes. Sure, you might know your strengths and weaknesses. However, you may not fully understand how you can do certain things better. When you don't know better, you can't do better. Business coaching is helpful because someone is there to see your blind spots. As you learn and grow, your business operations will be become more streamlined and focused. This is why it's very important to have somebody who's been successful and has experience.

3. Motivation and Accountability
Running a business is extremely difficult. Even though there may be plenty of people who make it look easy the process can be challenging. There may be days when you want to give up. When those days come, it's helpful to have somebody there who will motivate you and encourage you. A business trainer will be really instrumental in helping you get through the hurdles that your business may run into. If you want to really experience business growth you'll need to push through difficult times. When it comes to entrepreneurship, it's really about learning and growing and

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