
Coca Cola Ethos

Satisfactory Essays

I choose to analyze the Coca-Cola commercial of Coke Mini (Hulk vs. Ant-Man). I think this commercial would fall under ethos. They are using Hulk to be the character for ethos. Coca-Cola wants you to think that super heroes like Hulk or very important people are who they are because they are drinking Coco-Cola. In this commercial Hulk is the model, he is drinking a Coca-Cola so the people who love him will want to be like him and drink a Coca-Cola. I would say this commercial could also fall under logos, because they are using Hulk again like the role model. The commercial also touches the people who want to be huge and ripped or want to be a super hero like Hulk. It makes them want to drink a Coca-Cola to be like him as much as possible.

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