
Cocaine Addiction

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Baby boomers will certainly remember the onset of the disco era in the late 1970s and early 1980s. It was a time when America was in transition and liberal values were taking over the country. It's also the time frame when cocaine became America's drug of choice. As the new drug flowed free in dance clubs all around the country, drug cocaine was the star of the evening. There was no negative stigma associated with people who chose to partake because everyone was doing it and law enforcement couldn't keep up.

What Changed for Drug Cocaine?
As the saying goes, "all good things must come to and end." America had its love affair with drug cocaine until the mid-1980s when the drug was forced underground. Make no mistake about it, cocaine didn't …show more content…

Unfortunately, each generation of the drug has proven to be more dangerous than the next. The illicit drug community has also introduced dozens of new synthetic substances to takeover as the party crowd's drug of choice. Cocaine has not disappeared. Instead, it has morphed into an illegal narcotic that still gets its fair share of users.

About Cocaine Addiction Today
Cocaine remains a highly addictive substance. In many cases, the associated addiction seems to be taking a greater toll on addicts today than it did yesteryear. The only thing that seems to have gotten better is the quality of addiction treatment. Today, premiere rehab centers like Beaches Recovery can offer a wider range of treatment options, which they can customize specifically for cocaine addiction.

Beaches Recovery and Individualized Care
Our Beaches Recovery treatment center takes a unique approach to treatment. We choose to treat every patient and every addiction as a unique set of circumstances with a specific sets of needs. Among the treatment services we offer are the following"
In-house detox
Outpatient and intensive outpatient care
Inpatient residential care, primary and extended care of over 90 days
Partial hospitalization with therapy
Family residential

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