
Code Of Ethics : Nursing Values And Ethical Responsibilities

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There are seven primary fundamental values in the code of ethics for registered Nurses These values are entitled as “Nursing values and Ethical Responsibilities.” (Centennial Edition, 2008)
 Nursing Values and Ethical Responsibilities
1) Providing Care
Nurses should be able to provide safe, skilled and proficient, solicitous care to the patients. The relation between the nurse and the patient.
2) Promoting Health and Well-Being
Nurses should be enable to work with families their relatives and friends to promote highest level of health and well-being.
3) Promoting and Respecting informed Decision-making
Nurses should acknowledge, respect and promote a patient’s right to get all the necessary information and make appropriate decisions.
4) Preserving Dignity
Nurses have the ability to recognize and respect the inner value of the patient.
5) Maintaining Privacy and Confidentiality
Nurses acknowledge the importance of private and confidential repots and preserve that personal family and community related confidentiality in the professional environment.
6) Promoting Justice
Nurses should preserve the human rights, equity and justice by promoting the public good.
7) Being Accountable
Nurses should be responsible for all the responsibilities and actions taken. Nurses are held responsible for any unethical behavior.  Comparison with United States (ANA, 2015)
1) Primary commitment is with patient
The top most priority and commitment of nurses is

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