
Cognitive Dominance Paper

Decent Essays

Cognitive Dominance: The Pathway for the Army Operating Concept

CPT Edwin Romero
MP CCC 01-16
December 7, 2015

With new technology and the integration of societal influences, changes have been made in the United States (U.S) Army. This includes the new way of looking at the future of warfighting, which we now have the revised ______. , changes have been made within the US A

Where do you feel the Army must devote the majority of resources to improve the Human Dimension; Cognitive Dominance, Realistic Training, or Institutional Agility? Read The Human Dimension White Paper, dtd October 2014.

After reviewing The AOC, TP 525-3-1, which describes how the United States Army will employ forces and capabilities in complex …show more content…

how can we reconcile the belief that basic human nature remains relatively constant with the fact that new technologies are driving rapid social changes?

The Army should devote the majority of resources to improve the Human Dimension on Cognitive Dominance. Cognitive Dominance drives both realistic training and institutional agility as

Bloom created the taxonomy in an attempt to add clarity and precision to the language of instruction and by doing so thought, "curriculum builders should find the taxonomy helps them to specify objectives so that it becomes easier to plan learning experiences and prepare evaluation devices" (1984,2). James Madigan opined that, (2000, 19)

"Officers should be able to assimilate, analyze, and synthesis information to evaluate the situation. Officers following Blooms taxonomy should be able to compute requirements, generate options, allocate means, integrate the effort and synchronize the fight for what ever mission is assigned" (Madigan 1998, 24). This assessment found in his study of the self-development pillar of leader development clearly defines the objective of

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