Cognitive Dominance: The Pathway for the Army Operating Concept
CPT Edwin Romero
MP CCC 01-16
December 7, 2015
With new technology and the integration of societal influences, changes have been made in the United States (U.S) Army. This includes the new way of looking at the future of warfighting, which we now have the revised ______. , changes have been made within the US A
Where do you feel the Army must devote the majority of resources to improve the Human Dimension; Cognitive Dominance, Realistic Training, or Institutional Agility? Read The Human Dimension White Paper, dtd October 2014.
After reviewing The AOC, TP 525-3-1, which describes how the United States Army will employ forces and capabilities in complex
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how can we reconcile the belief that basic human nature remains relatively constant with the fact that new technologies are driving rapid social changes?
The Army should devote the majority of resources to improve the Human Dimension on Cognitive Dominance. Cognitive Dominance drives both realistic training and institutional agility as
Bloom created the taxonomy in an attempt to add clarity and precision to the language of instruction and by doing so thought, "curriculum builders should find the taxonomy helps them to specify objectives so that it becomes easier to plan learning experiences and prepare evaluation devices" (1984,2). James Madigan opined that, (2000, 19)
"Officers should be able to assimilate, analyze, and synthesis information to evaluate the situation. Officers following Blooms taxonomy should be able to compute requirements, generate options, allocate means, integrate the effort and synchronize the fight for what ever mission is assigned" (Madigan 1998, 24). This assessment found in his study of the self-development pillar of leader development clearly defines the objective of
You will address Total Army Analysis, the process that takes us from the Army of today to the Army of the future.
The main focusing point of army to produce the best soldiers is their training. The selection of soldiers in their teen age years is the best policy for almost all the countries. Through these teens cognitive development it is very easy to train them according to army’s agenda or we can say that their mind can be easily washed as according to U.S Marin Drill Instructor “ I guess you could say we brainwash them a little bit .“ (Pg. 2)
The increase in technology and intelligence will play a crucial role in the development of the Army. Gen. Milley hit on some important notes in regards to unit effectiveness with these changes. The most difficult question discussed revolves around the how to ease armed conflict. The delivery methods of conflict are evolving and have the potential to completely transform warfare. Also discussed within the same context was the standards of national interest. Furthermore, the implementation of robotics creates a potential for warfare to completely be redefined.
The United States Army is a complex organization made up of several commands and managed by different command levels. The U.S. Army is an organization different from that of a business in many unique ways. Specific examples of these differences include: financial reporting, disciplinary review procedures, and tactical operations. Although different in many ways, the Army shares many similar characteristics of a normal profit business. Army personnel are managed by supervisors arranged in a command structure similar to that of a business hierarchy. The Army will also encounter internal and external factors that could impede or enhance operations. As such, planning, organizing, leading, and controlling must be used by managers appropriately
The situation in today 's Army is clearly much different from what existed years ago. Many changes have occurred, moving the Army 's EO program from a strictly educational and training initiative to a multifaceted management program with clear goals and objectives. These goals and objectives are also an integral part of human relations and are nurtured and developed through a professional military education system.
Leadership goals should always contain methods of a continuous process of learning through education, training, and individual experiences that help ensure that the message will be communicated in a confident and competent manner when leading troops. Soldiers tend to follow leaders that demonstrate and live the Army values, while displaying their confidence in every decision that affects change. Leaders are not born as organizational or tactical leaders; but grown by their genetic determinism, which is inside and the characteristics they work toward; that mold is which type leader they will become. Not just anyone can lead; you must have the desire to lead, be willing to make the commitment to being a leader, and prepare yourself properly, then you have the desire to become a leader. (Fulton, 1995).
As stewards of our profession, commanders ensure that military expertise continues to develop and be passed on to aspiring professionals through operational development. It is during this developmental phase that Professional Soldiers put their knowledge and skills to the test. Operational Army units certify and recertify their Professional Soldiers through repetitive and realistic training events including the Combat Life Saver Course, platoon live fires, and exercises at the National Training Center. In the course of these challenging and realistic experiences, the Army’s operational units develop Soldiers and leaders prepared to maintain high standards, discipline, and operational readiness. Operational development and adaptability will continue to drive changes in Army doctrine, organization, leadership, and education as we enter the post-war era. Without this kind of development, the Army could not maintain a well-disciplined professional fighting force.
Army leaders must balance the link between the Army’s culture and it’s climate and institutional practices. When there is a proper balance it has a huge impact on the mindset of the Army’s Soldiers. Their actions or inactions impacts the five key attributes of the profession, and the four fields of expertise, and have long term effects on the Army’s culture and climate. These actions influence Soldiers’ perceptions that they are serving professional who have answered the call of service to the republic, it is important that Soldiers understand that their role is a calling and not just a job.
The main points of this article relate to the changing nature of warfare (think terrorism and advancements in technology) and the adjustments military leaders are obliged to make. Hence, according to the article, leaders must: a) be trained in critical thinking skills; b) be "committed to life-long [and self-directed] learning"; c) be willing to take the initiative to "diagnose" their goals, needs,
In this article the researchers wanted to see if there is a difference in outcome based on lower socioeconomic and poverty stricken adolescents where executive functioning was concerned. The brain during adolescents is continuing to mature by leaps and bounds; however, the pre frontal cortex is still not quite matured. This particular area of the brain is where self and impulse control and more complex thinking are being controlled. Many persons who are in between the ages of 16-21 are considered at risk adolescents according to Davis, Keer, and Robinson Kurpius (2003), due to challenges in where and how they are raised. As mentioned before, this research article suggested that poverty
It is almost undeniable that the technologies cause rapid changes in human relationships, cultures, and societies. While it enormously facilitates us in nearly every aspect of our life, such changes also create consequences that we do not yet realize. Almost all of us know Darwinism and Natural Selection in the biological field, but we often overlook the similar phenomena in the social aspect. In fact, resemble to the way we adapt to our physical environment, we also adapt to our social environment in order to survive and excel in our social relationships. Such adaption is called Social Darwinism. Because technologies have significantly influenced our social environment, humans are forced to adapt not only to technologies, but also to the
Any member of a military force are taken as someone ready to serve at any moment, with all his/her skills, intelligence, strength and presence of mind; much like someone readily set on the starting track, totally geared up to run from the moment 'go'. This explains how much preparation it takes to condition one's body and mind to attain that level of ability and agility. It requires a continuous, disciplined practice of skills as well as lifestyle conducive to retain and augment those skills.
Adaptive leadership is becoming widespread in the United States Army amongst junior officers in leadership positions that require quick thinking and innovation. Leonard Wong discusses how the versatile and unpredictable enemy and situations in Iraq produces adaptable junior officers. These officers are learning to make decisions under chaotic conditions and are becoming more mentally agile. The Army is changing. The Army is transforming its capabilities in the war in Iraq to be effective and successful. General Schoomaker states that we will not accomplish our goals as a nation in the 21st century unless our Army becomes much more agile but with the capacity for long term, sustained level of conflict. The Army is in the process of
In summary, the Army’s endeavors to strengthen, standardize and assess character among its ranks is slowly becoming a topic of discussion over a regulated military educational requirement. Developing character in Army Professionals should not be something that the Army regulates. Character derives from how one handles themselves in diverse situations and personal experiences. It is created internally and different in every Soldier and situation. Character does not evolve from sitting in a week long class, listening to an hour long brief or writing a paper. Character is gained from personal experiences, one’s self identity and values. Can the Army genuinely test character, build and implement development when there is no formal doctrine on the
Initiative. The army is a very good organisation for allowing its personnel to use their initiative. All soldiers are told and trained to use their initiative, as this is one of the qualities their superiors are looking for when considering a person for promotion and career progression.