
Cognitive Psychology In The Movie 'Inside Out'

Decent Essays

In the movie Inside Out there are many examples of cognitive psychology. Cognitive psychology is based on ideas on how we act, feel, think, and all work together. Inside Out is a movie about Riley Anderson’s feelings. Riley lived in Minnesota until her dads work moved them to San Francisco. In San Francisco she didn’t know anyone, her family started to act different, and she didn’t like the things she used to as much. Riley’s first day at school was very eventful. She walks into her classroom and everyone was in their own friend groups talking among themselves. She kept her head down and went to the open seat. Once the teacher got everyone settled she introduced Riley to the class. She asked her to stand up and tell a little bit about herself. Riley started to talk about Minnesota and her hockey team. She was happy at the beginning and then became sad because of how much she realized she missed it. She tried to hold back the tears but started to cry and then she got really embarrassed. She sat back down in her seat and made herself believe that no one would want to talk to her because they are all going to think she is really weird. She made herself think …show more content…

She started to recognize how stressed her mom was about the moving truck and the house. She started to recognize how her dad was stressed about his work. One night they were all talking and then later started to play hockey, her dad got a call and just dropped everything they were doing and answered the call. That began to happen over and over again. He would drop everything and anything just to answer the phone and would even leave without saying goodbye. Riley made herself believe he was doing that because he didn’t love his family anymore. She started to push him away and make him feel how she was feeling. As a result to how she was acting towards him she got in more trouble, which would make her even more

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