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APA FORMAT BULLSHIT TITLE AUTHORS Before we look at any issue, any good psychologist will first evaluate their own bias. Although it is impossible to eliminate bias from any situation, it is important to, at the very least, identify the source of said bias. So before this essay considers the question of millennials in the workplace, let it first be known that the authors are, if not millennials, riding very closely behind millennials’ coattails. With each passing year a new cohort enters the workplace, bringing with it an ever-changing dynamic of talent, goals, and expectations. This dynamic must constantly be considered in all aspects of an industrial or organizational psychologists job. How does the workplace need to be adjusted to serve …show more content…

Studies also showed that there are more similarities between the existing cohorts and millennials than differences since both have a common need for work that means something and careers related to the attainment of higher education, questioning the need for a dramatic change of programs targeting millenials. (Wesner & Miller, 2008), (Kowske, Rasch, & Wiley, 2010). The preceding data should cause one to hesitate when considering the newer generations. While further studies will show that differences do indeed exist between millennials and pre-existing cohorts, it is not as if I/O psychologists are dealing with a new species of worker, instead, they must consider that these incoming workers are in fact quite similar in many ways and there is little need for drastic …show more content…

IT is important, however, for an I/O psychologists, and anyone considering the benefits and issues that arise from the new workforce, not to rely only on perceptions. Research like the studies cited above must be consulted in order to have definitive and objective data that can then be used to create the most effective environments and well informed decisions in order to maximize employee satisfaction and the bottom line. The most effective managers and I/O psychologists will be well informed on these studies and create an environment that maximizes the strengths of this incoming workforce, most namely their abilities with technology and their flexibility in the workplace while meshing these skills with the leadership and professional experiment of older employees to allow each employee from each cohort to constantly improve themselves in many different areas. Not only will this lead to happier and more effective employees, but it will also increase the likelihood that these employees will stay within the company, reducing turnover and increasing company

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