
Colin Powell Essay On Leadership

Decent Essays

Leadership explained Leadership is best defined by Colin Powell “Leadership is solving problems. The day soldiers stop bringing you their problems is the day you have stopped leading. They have either lost confidence that you can help or concluded you do not care. Either case is a failure of leadership” This statement is simple and concise, unlike the actions of solving problems. Being a great leader is the ability to tackle difficult problems by facilitating actions through others. The leadership lessons I have had during my career have had an overwhelming impact on my character; these moments, were life altering. Leadership styles differ from person-to-person but, the few I truly admire know themselves well. This trait is very rare, and …show more content…

“Leaders get the best from others not by building fires under people but by building the fire within them,” (Kouzes & Posner, 2002). I find that personalizing rewards provide greater employee motivation. Personalizing recognition means you have to get to know your employees; their likes and dislikes. I will search for exceptional performers and personally thank them in a timely manner; or even on the spot to accomplish this effort. On occasion, a team recognition is necessary and scheduling an event which would allow people to create an environment to be open with each other to inspire trust, such as: playing a team sport, group workouts, community projects provide a chance to be challenged and enable others to feel a sense of accomplishment too. Taking the time to understand each individual needs such as: work–life balance, performance-focused incentives, and health and well-being are important to exacting a personalized rewards. In the past, I have had success by writing a thank you letter high performing spouses and presenting it to them at all-hands event. Other methods to personalize recognition and demonstrate the heart-felt appreciation I have for their efforts are challenging but, leveraging my unique imagination I am confident that I can encourage others to be their

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