
College Admissions Essay: I Want To Follow My Goals

Decent Essays

I was raised to live life on others’ terms and work toward dreams that I didn’t claim as my own. However, now as I approach adulthood, I’ve realized how much I desire to follow my own dreams and goals. My lifelong goal is to advocate women’s rights while providing villages in rural South Asia valuable opportunities such as a great education. My immediate goal is to practice my own culture in America’s diverse melting pot and be a leader in my local community as well as contribute to a stronger global community.
Earning a prestigious degree is everyone’s dream but my goal is not just to have a degree that will help me reach financial and academic security, but rather one that enables me to learn from a strong community of individuals who will allow me to explore my intellectual capabilities, expand my perspective, and boost my potential to a different level. …show more content…

Just as these figures inspired me to become the strong independent woman I am today, I want to empower underprivileged women to take advantage of the tools needed to accomplish their own dreams. Taking the lessons I have learned, I yearn to instill a similar drive and passion for opportunities I have gained from the figures who have fostered culture, virtues, and education into

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