
College Admissions Essay: My Pursuit Of Happiness

Decent Essays

The pursuit of happiness can be achieved in many ways and people mostly associate happiness with getting everything they could dream of. It is possible to achieve happiness just from the desire of our dreams, because it give you something to look forward to. If there is a desire for something, it gives a feeling of excitement and a strive to work towards something you want. On the contrary, having everything someone would want seems unrealistic and a desire for everyone, so if it happened it seems it would be a dream come true, but maybe overtime it would not be so great afterall. When I was in the eighth grade, all I ever wanted was an iPhone. All my friends had one, everyone in school and I wanted one so bad. All year I looked forward to my upgrade, anxiously waiting until July of that year. Finally, the day came and I got the phone I wanted and I was so happy. I obsessed over it for the first month, and then after a while it was just normal. It did not mean I did not appreciate it, I just got used to it. The desire of my happiness was …show more content…

Even with something as small as a phone that I really wanted it gave me something to always look forward too. Now looking back, life was still fine without my iPhone, me and my friends paid more attention and used to actually hang out without technology. Sometimes, the things you want the most you don’t actually need to be happy. There is a difference between being happy with wanting something and actually getting it. For instance, I wanted a job this summer so I called so many places and none called me back. It didn’t make me happy having a desire for a job because if I actually had a job it would be better. There are more benefits with actually having a job like money, responsibility and not having to worry about how much to spend. So in this case, having what you want is better than just having a desire for

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