Having to move to a new environment that is across the world can be a difficult thing to deal with as a child, everything seems to be mighty and new. From a small place like Vietnam and moving to Utah is like being pulled out of my natural environment and put into a new place. It is not an easy thing to deal with in the beginning, it was uncomfortable, and everything is just so new. With all of those things going on while being so young helped me become more independent. I also don’t easily give up easily if I’m determined to get something done, I will keep going until I finish. I keep myself focused and go for what I’ve set out.
With school, I make sure to get all my stuff in on time and not procrastinate. I try my best to get all my homeworks in on time and make sure all of them are well done . For the future, after I got all my credits and graduate, I plan to attend at SLCC and get all my generals done and after that I would study out of state. With the plan of studying out of state I want to attend at a university in California and go to a business school. While I’m in school, I want to get a job as a
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I like to keep myself active by doing tennis, not only it help me relieve my stress but also teach me how to work with others and learn from one another. Another thing that I enjoy doing is being in LAT which stand for “Lancers Action Team”, we do a lot of volunteer work like going to elementary school and read to the kids or going to the old people home to make crafts and play bingo with them. Doing things like that make me feel like I’m adding more valuable things to my life and also open my eyes to many things in life. As I grow and learn I have becoming more responsible towards my action, I know what is good and bad for me. I’ve learn to see what I am capable of doing and not to set limit for
Changes in life can be tough to go through and sometimes they can be easy. Some of these things are harder than others and some can be a better choice. Like moving is one thing that changed my way i looked at people. Then there is growing up, growing up can be hard. Last but not least there is education. These things that you experience can change your perspective on how you look at life.
I have never been away from home for no more than a couple of weeks at most. Home, the light ocean breeze, warm sun, and the oh so ever green mountains always waited for my return. Up until a couple of years ago, I never imagined leaving my home in Hawaii.
Transitioning from the Democratic Republic Of Congo to the United States was a challenge that my family and I had to overcome. The main reason why we moved was because my father wanted a better life for my siblings and me. My father did not make enough money to pay for our education, food, housing, and other things. With the little money that he did make, he would give some to my mom so she could buy clothes and sell them in order to put food on the table. More often than not my mom was unable to sell anything so, we would go to my uncle's house to see if he could provide us with at least rice to eat with sugar. In my family's eyes, at least, the rice was better than not eating at all. One day, my father's friend called him and told him that there was a lottery game people were playing and if you won, you would be given the chance to go to the United States. My dad was the only one from my family who was allowed to play and after eight months had passed we were informed that we won! We were all so happy and ready to start a new life in America! The new excitement about moving to a better
As of now I am enrolled as a business/pre-dentistry student. I originally had enrolled to UWM last year, but because of financial difficulties I was unable to attend. I was very upset over the fact that I would not be able to attend school like the rest of my friends. I was so discouraged that I even thought about not going back to school. However, I knew that not furthering my education was not an option. I started working at a retail store. I told myself that everything I earned would go towards my tuition. Throughout the whole year that I did not attend school I worked the majority of the time. I picked up a lot of shifts and the few off days that I did have I would spend helping my mom around the house or helping her run errands. I rarely got to see my friends. My job was literally my second home. Nonetheless, I do not regret any of it. All of my hard work paid off. I managed to save up enough for a semester of classes. Not only am I proud of myself but I am also extremely excited for this fall! My long-range plans are to graduate from UWM and then go on to dental school. The reason why I chose to major in business accounting and not a science major, was because I feel that it will make me more well-rounded. Accounting has also always been an interest of mine. Hopefully by my senior year at UWM I get a accepted into
One major goal is to move to a place that I can have countless job opportunities for what I am passionate about, like New York. I want to be a fashion merchandising and be able to be a buyer for a brand or for a department store. With that, there is a long process and it will be a huge commitment to move to another state. I am dedicated to making this happen because it is what am passionate about and am driven to accomplish this goal.
Life is a chain of changes that puts people in different situations and every change come with its struggles and we have to move along with the change.People might take the changes in different ways and everyone has their own story that makes them unique from other people and changes make people live through same story again and again or never.Going through changes and adapting to them is the real challenge that you have to go through and how you handle it gives you the identity but it is not an easy path to take for everyone some give up;some don’t even start to get on the path to achieve what they want in their life.
“Honey, I got laid off again” my dad told my mom when I was about ten years old. At the time though, I didn’t know what was going on, so I really didn’t think anything of it. As I got older though it started to get clearer that he didn’t have his job anymore. That’s when i started to ask question on why he doesn’t have a job anymore. But during during the ages 12 and 15 he had gotten rehired by the same company, and then they laid him off again. The second time though, it took a pretty bad toll on us financially.
At the beginning of the year I strived to get everything done and apply to Rhode Island College. Once I got in I hit a slump, I was accepted it to college and had nothing to wory about. Then it hit me I have to work my hardest and complete senior project so I can graduate and eventually start my future. If I one day wanted to start my graphic design career I would have to work hard. With that inspiration I completed everything early and kept my grades up all year. I have mature and I am no longer last minute on work. Thought it is one week until last day of classes and senioritis had kicked in a long time ago, I know I need to keep up the work so I will not have to take finials. Not only am I a lot more happy at new school, I feel more comfortable and less shy all the
Explain any difficulties or obstacles you’ve overcome (immigrating to the US, learning the English language, being the first family member to attend college, etc.)
At the age of four, most girls are asking for the newest barbie dolls and sparkly dress-up tiaras for a birthday present. But I always enjoyed beating to a different drum, begging instead for my parents to take me into the city. And thus began my love affair with New York City. From that point on, my birthdays often involved trips to NYC, with unique cultural, food, and art experiences. As I grew up, I began to use every and any excuse I could possibly justify, to escape to the metropolis. By the age of nine years old, I became involved in professional theatre and music in NYC and Connecticut. I became intoxicated by performing and was obsessed with it. I participated in over 20 professional musicals and plays between the ages of nine and thirteen.
Midway into my sophomore year of high school is when I learned that my family will be moving to Massachusetts due to my father’s job relocation. At first, I was set to move to Massachusetts with my family, which meant transferring to my third high school in three years and having to switch to a different club soccer team during the most important year of recruiting for college soccer. Then, an opportunity was presented to me in which I would be able to stay at my current high school and my current soccer team. The opportunity being that I would stay with a close family friend who attended the same school and plays for the same soccer team, but in exchange I would have to leave my mother and father for the next two years of my life. My family and I thoroughly discussed the plan and after many heated arguments and fights, we finally decided that I would stay behind and stay with the Williams family for the next two years of my life. This life changing opportunity has slowly but surely helped me transition from a child into a young adult.
I am from Colombia, South America and have been living here for 10 years. When I was living in my country, I started studying in the university. My major was Psychology but I had to stop my studies due to some personal problems. When I came to this country, I wanted to return to the University but there was always an obstacle. After so many years, now I have the opportunity to do it; it is challenging, but I will put all my effort to accomplish my goal.
It was a beautiful, sunny day in South Florida. I was six years old, playing by the pool with my new puppy. I loved swimming in the pool almost every day after school. I also enjoyed going out on our boat after school or crossing the street and going to the beach. My father came home one evening with some interesting news. Now, I do not remember exactly how I felt about the news at that time, but it seemed like I did not mind that much. He had announced that we were going to move back to my birth country, Belgium. I had been living in Florida for five years and it was basically all I had known so I did not know what to expect. I had to live with my mom at first, and then my sister would join us after she graduated high school and my father
Typically, people like to think getting up and moving to another country is as easy as it sounds. People leave their home countries for various reasons, to escape as a refugee, or immigrate for a change in life. As easy as it seems to be there are so many roadblocks along the way. The country was created thousands of years ago as the holy land but over time, it has gone through different rulers and at many times the Jewish people of Israel was exiled and forced to leave the only country they knew. The history of Israel is important because it dictates as to why immigration and leaving that country to go to others in the Middle East is impossible. People have been dealing with war, military, religious, and gender regulations in Israel
One October day during my junior year of high school, I came home to see my parents anxiously waiting for me behind the kitchen counter. They informed me that my dad had lost his job. My initial worries, although selfish, surrounded what this change would mean for my college education. Without an income, the burden of college would fall solely on my shoulders. Thankfully, seven months later, my dad accepted an offer in a competitive position at a company on the other side of the state. As soon as he accepted this position, he guaranteed a move in the near future.