
College Admissions Essay: My Accomplishments In My Life

Satisfactory Essays

Sophia Fulton

Mrs. Lanier

English 8 ADV


Life accomplishments

In my life I have two “dream jobs” I know that sounds pretty weird. I have a realistic dream job and a more out there job in mind. I use this “backup plan” so I won't be disappointed and feel like I failed myself. I would realistically like to be a lawyer but my true dream is becoming an actor.

To be a lawyer you have to go to school for a long, long time. You have to get into good schools and be very intelligent. I know I can do this. With hard work I can get into good schools and graduate college.I can find a job at a law firm or even work my way to creating my own. I really would love to be a lawyer because I secretly enjoy arguing and proving a point. I want to help innocent people out of jail and defend people who are being wrongfully tried. …show more content…

I love performing and I have been my entire life, though not always through acting. I used to act a little bit when i was little but until recently, I was a member of a ballet company. I loved being on stage and performing for the full audience twice (or more) a year. But then I realized that i was tired of all the long practices and rude instructors. I quit ballet and started to do theater. I realized that i love acting and it would be a dream of mine to pursue it. Though I consider this an unrealistic goal. Most actors don't get the job and there are allot of factors that you can't control such as luck and talent. Though you can get better by practicing and having

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