
College Admissions Essay: My Personal Growth

Decent Essays

My personal growth is a significant aspect of who I am, moreover, this continues to be a trait I strive to develop. To understand how far I’ve come as a person, you need to see where I came from and what motivated me to change.

Growing up, I hated father’s Day.

When the other kids snipped away to Hallmark history with neon safety scissors and half-dried glue sticks, I sat in indecision, unsure how to proceed. That’s when Ms. Kats thoughtfully said I could make two cards, I was left reeling. In the eyes of an anxious five-year-old, her kind consideration felt like an accusation.

Now, seventeen years and counting, I wouldn’t change the cards I’ve been dealt. But, that isn’t to deny that growing up in a same sex parent household was challenging. When inquisition became ignorance, and quiet looks became gawking stares – growing to …show more content…

Looking back, I can call out my egregious perception of the past for what it is – a desperation for someone to blame. Some fall-guy for my childhood insecurities. It just so happened that I picked the empty role of Mother as a scapegoat. Now, as an advocator for equal rights and a member of the LGBTQ+ community myself, I realize that my insecurities were only a symptom of a societal condition. The real cause of my reluctance to accept my parents wasn’t because my family dynamic was wrong (there’s nothing, for me, that feels more right). The real cause is a lack of positive representation. When kids in my situation turn an eye outward, they rarely, if ever, find a familiar reflection staring back. I learned this - when I no longer looked to schoolyard prattle as fact, instead choosing

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