
Optimal Experience

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According to recent studies, 66% of Americans own either a smartphone, laptop or tablet and amazingly, 36% own all three (Anderson). These devices are convenient and useful tools that have revolutionized the way people communicate, navigate, shop... Despite all of our technological advances that have made life much easier, cases of anxiety and depression have steadily increased in recent years. Ironically, our digital devices can inadvertently be the reason why we are less happy today than ever before. In his nationally best selling book Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi explains how optimal experience or as he calls it flow, is the mechanism of happiness. When a person is experiencing flow they feel a deep …show more content…

As Csikszentmihalyi said, “leisure that uses external resources requires less attention and as a consequence, it provides less memorable rewards” (99). The author gives a several examples of how different cultures experienced flow during their leisure time. The ancient Welsh would challenge each other in riddling games and he even called these riddle competitions the “most stimulating intellectual events” (122). Additionally, in order to avoid being filled with despair concerning their hostile environment, Icelanders would create or recite poems and songs from memory that succeeded in ordering their consciousness. In past years, I have unknowingly yet effectively used these two tactics myself in order to cope with hard environments or to avoid entropy. Often times in the military, we would get sent to the most remote and desolate environments as part of a deployment or training mission. During these excursions, most of our days were spent sitting around fighting off boredom in either blistering temperatures or brutally freezing winds. My friends and I would frequently commit to hour long sessions of riddle and puzzle games attempting to outwit each other. Additionally we would spend countless hours a day either creating songs or reconstructing popular songs from memory. The activities often erupted spontaneously and were repeatedly successful in improving the quality of our experience. We became willing to do these activities just for the sake of it, they became an autotelic experience and because of them, we were able to experience flow and genuinely enjoy ourselves in an otherwise dreadful

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