
College Admissions Essay: The Value Of Divorce

Decent Essays

Growing up, money was never a huge issue to my family, not to say I was spoiled, but I was definitely privileged. I grew up in Fairfield County, Connecticut, went to private schools my entire life, had a stay at home Mom and a hard working Dad. I believed this was how it was always going to be, until my freshman year of high school. My parents started to fight a lot, especially late at night as I would lie in my bed feeling my families happiness slip away. My parents decided it would be best for the family to get a divorce. I believe this was the beginning of my passion for finance, not because of the constant yelling and screaming that led to the divorce, but the result of the separation. My Mom met my Dad in college and thought she would spend the rest of her life with him and foolishly dropped out of college to follow …show more content…

As a sophomore in high school I took on my first job as a caddy at a local country club. Since I was new I did not get regular work, so I would go early on the weekends and on summer days and wait out by the caddy shack for unexpected work, so if my boss needed a caddy on the spot, or another caddy failed to show up, I would be there. This determination is driven by my constant grit to be financially independent, but also I did not ever want to make it harder on my parents by asking for money. To this day my Mom still struggles with money, as many people do because of unexpected events. This is why I have the passion to pursue finance, because I believe one day I can help people manage their current financials so that they can endure hardships that I know can come from unforeseen events. I hate to see people be unhappy and struggle with life because of financial issues, that is why I am motivated and inspired to be a successful financial

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