
College Degree Benefits

Decent Essays

College the 4 years after high school that most people use to find what they really want to do in life. This period of time gets people ready for the rest of their lives and the challenges that they will face. even though college degrees can give more opportunities many disagree that the cost of the opportunity isn’t worth it. However, while financial independence, life benefits and insurance, and overall health are the biggest and most difficult thing that an individual will need to learn how to manage, college can help them face those challenges; therefore, college is beneficial for people to attend. Money is the biggest and most important reason why the majority of people should go to college. And that being said, the “earnings for those with college degree average about $20,300 more per year over the past four decades than for workers without one” (Kearns). That is impressively more than what somebody without a higher education would make per year, which suggests that school is still a viable option, despite all the trouble. That’s not the only thing that a come with getting a degree, financial security which is …show more content…

So the fact that “554,525 deaths could be attributed to individuals having anything less than a baccalaureate degree (Krueger)” is surprising that life can be so affected by not being educated. This makes some sense because “A 2009 study found 16 to 24-year-old high school drop-outs were 63% more likely to be incarcerated than those with a bachelor's degree or higher”(College So the odds of an individual mortality will increase according to this statics and most likely while reading this an individual died in connection to being less educated. So in a way education is saving lives all around the world; this is a pretty compelling reason to attend

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