
College Education Importance

Decent Essays

Why is a college education important?

Ever considered the importance of everything available in college? Most high schoolers haven’t known or experienced the possibilities until they make it to college. There are many choices and possibilities, but there are many people who don’t want or even consider going to college. College has many benefits. College is very important since it has to do with our education.

A college education allows many people to make more money. It is a good thing to make more money and most of the U.S. enjoy having a couple extra dollars on hand.In the article the author states,” In 2016, the average income for people 25 years old and older with a high school diploma was $35,615, while the income for those with a bachelor's degree was $65,482, and $92,525 for those with advanced degrees.” Even though some students have to take loans it will be easier to pay the debt off if you’re eligible to make good money in a paying field with your degree.The education and money can let you reach many goals.

College degrees have to be received by many people to get a job that requires one. Associates degree is about a minimal for jobs around the U.S. in 2017, so most jobs will be out of your reach without a degree. They want you to have these degrees because they like people who are already trained well enough than those who aren’t. Even when you’re applying to a job that doesn’t need a degree, they might qualify you over someone else with this

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