
College Level Education

Decent Essays

Living in the 21st century has proven to be an excellent opportunity for individuals to improve in many areas of education due to the increased quality of living and many institutions of education to choose from. One of the greatest results has been the impact on building and expanding the individual’s career. College is by far one of the most innovative options at one’s disposal to gain, increase and improve the knowledge and skills. In light of this, college education can therefore increase one’s level of confidence to perform better in life. Certainly, there are many reasons as to why one chooses to pursue an college-level education, but the most significant causes can be summarized as such: to become skilled in a specific field of their choosing, to have a better employment opportunities and to increase their overall financial income.
College education is more than a hard-earned diploma, certificate or degree. College provides “…an abstract opportunity for learning, development, and growth.” (Fishman, R., 2015. para.4). It allows all individuals to reach the necessary level of skills needed to perform a specific task. The practical skills learned throughout the program are intended to allow for a swift and easy transition into the work force. For example, the practical nursing program teaches its students the clinical skills of …show more content…

A strongly wish to sustain family, as well as, the desire for being able to participate in leisure events together, determinate an individual to obtain a higher level of education. According to Camp, “the broadest driver of educational success is economic well-being, and the broadest driver of economic well-being is educational success.” (Camp, J. 2016. para. 25). It is well known that the more education one has, the more money he is rewarded. In addition, individuals set goals and plan ahead investments that would have a great benefit when

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