
College Level Education In Cleveland: A Conceptual Analysis

Decent Essays

Statistics say I will not obtain college level education. Statistics say that my life expectancy is decreased because of my environment. Statistics also say teens in my community become adults at a young age. These are the three biggest challenges that youth and myself encounter everyday in Cleveland.

I have always been a Cleveland Metro School District student, meaning I lack quality education. CMSD is well known for the poor quality of teachers and low test scores. But they fail to realize that these low test scores are because of the deficiency in the core courses: mathematics, science, english, and writing. This challenge can be overcame by allowing more students to take college level courses. Currently, myself and other students are determined to prove statistics wrong. In such, by being active post secondary students. Another challenge that my peers and I face …show more content…

Every other Friday my National Honor Society chapter donates free organic food to the local community through the food bank. When we first started this event I had no understanding of how significant and beneficial it would be to our local community. Every week that we donate food to my neighbors I witness the conditions that they live in. Some are hungry and unable to support themselves. I also noticed the outcomes of this program. I observed many students in my high school packing healthy lunches, and buying less products from the nearby gas stations. I also see

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