
Insecurity Informative Speech

Decent Essays

Informative Speech
Imagine coming home after a long day at school when you can practically taste the leftovers you hid in the fridge the night before, only to find that they aren’t there. I don’t know if this has happened to you, but it happens to me all the time, and it’s probably one of the most infuriating and disappointing things ever. Infuriating because I know somebody ate it when I asked them not to, and disappointing because that food was the only thing I’d been looking forward to all day. Now, try to imagine this happening every day, breakfast, lunch, and dinner, for days, weeks, and months on end. Unfortunately, for some this is more than just a scenario we were asked to imagine, it’s a reality. This is food insecurity. Food insecurity …show more content…

In 2014, a foundation called Feeding America did a survey on the people they serve and found that in order to stretch their food budgets 79% of them purchase inexpensive and unhealthy food in order to stay fed. This can seriously impact their health, because no matter the age, healthy bodies and minds require nutritious meals. In some cases, food insecurity can even lead to Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease and obesity. These are just a few examples of why food insecurity is so harmful. Fortunately, there are many organizations, clubs, and foundations that are committed to ending hunger in America, and eventually the world. The first step to solving this problem is spreading information, and realizing just how dangerous food insecurity is, and who it affects. After learning these things, you may want to help and there are many ways to do that. I’m sure in the past, you've donated food to the annual canned food drive our school puts on, and that’s just one way you can contribute to solving this problem. There are many organizations that ask for donations and will put your money to great use, for example every dollar you donate to Feeding America will provide 11 meals for a child in need.If you don’t have food or money to donate, you can donate

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