
College Success Research Paper

Satisfactory Essays

College is an exciting and overwhelming time. You are starting are a new chapter, in your life figuring out your career goals. College is a big adjustment from high school. Some people are not ready to navigate through this transition. What you need to become a successful in college is setting goals, taking notes and creating a study schedule. First, you need to focus on setting a goal to achieve success in college. Setting a goal is something most people do daily. Setting goals each semester on what you intend on accomplishing. Be realistic when setting goals. You should set a deadline for meeting your outcomes. Ideal goals could be getting a good GPA. There may be obstacles that stop you from completing your goals. Remember what’s important is working hard to complete all your goals. When your goals are complete reward yourself with something you enjoy. Accomplishing your goal of having 3.0 GPA can also be very rewarding. My college experience has never been easy. I have worked hard for every grade I have received. My goal has always been to do my best and never give up. …show more content…

They are your primary source for studying. Make sure you write neatly, and your notes are clearly understood. Always read the chapters assigned before class. When taking notes, you will be more familiar with them. You should highlight important points when taking notes, to go back and review later. In college your professor most, likely won’t hand out study guides. You will need to create your own to pass quizzes and exams. I review my notes ten minutes each night before a test, so I ’am familiar with the chapter. This will help me be ready for my

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