
Collegiate Infractions

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The NCAA and its student-athletes deal with much more than are seen by the general public. The coaches and players always have hidden agendas. Scandals or infractions are committed every year in collegiate sports and are left unnoticed. The NCAA does its best in trying to keep this under control but have difficulty doing so. Student-Athletes receiving improper benefits and breaking NCAA rules are a common group and information on these atrocities must be brought to light. The receiving of improper benefits expand over a wide range of topics and areas. All forms of “Extra-benefits are forbidden by the NCAA…” (NCAA Compliance 1). Athletes from every state are subjected to these rules without any exceptions. Receiving these benefits are …show more content…

If an athlete is happy and performs well it reflects well on the coach and helps him to keep his job. Ensuring the athletes play is the greatest goal for some coaches. Most athletes understand this and in turn start to receive cash and other gifts because they know they can. They begin to feel “entitled to pay for play” (Matt Ryan 3). The schools do not do much to prevent this from happening though. They don’t give extra food to athletes that do more physical activity than most ordinary students. Neither do they offer more spacious room accommodations to larger athletes that take up more space than the average student would. An athlete will not always take advantages of their abilities for the cash. Some athletes are in dire need of money to help themselves and their families. They may come from a low-income household where they were looked to for support. The importance “of an athlete who was looked upon for support in the family before college” isn’t as understood by the NCAA (McMurphy 6). The athletes and programs that are caught are most-always severely punished. They can be placed on restriction for various things. The most common forms of punishment are “a reduction of the scholarships allotted [or] post-season banning” (NCAA Compliance 5). Being caught also suspends the athlete from all athletic involvement. This could devastate the athlete but it is deserved. They would be eligible had they not made the wrong decisions. They

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