
Color Change Lab Report

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Step 3 Color change (and observations). Blue, the more HCl added, the more blue the chemical has gotten, along with being warmer Step 5 Color change (and observations). Pink, slowly turning from the top to the bottom. Step 6 Color change (and observations). The test tube from step 5 is turning blue, and the one from step 3 stays to blue. Step 7 Color change (and observations). The test tube from step 5 is going to be pink, and the one from step 3 turn pink. Step 8 Color Change (and observations). Turns pink with white precipitate. Questions: What was the effect of adding excess chloride ions. Use Le Chatlier’s principle and provide evidence. Before disturbing the reaction, it was at equilibrium. After adding heat, changing concentrations, etc., according to Le Chatlier’s Principle, the compositions of the product changes in order to …show more content…

Why? How about modification of the equilibrium through changes in concentration? Infinitely, as long as the concentrations of the products and reactants stay the same, the equilibrium can be shifted as many times as one may want. This is because interfering with it with things like temperature changes does not change the composition of the reaction. Therefore, it will continue as if nothing has changed, because really only temperature has. However, if the modification was through changes in concentration, then the equilibrium could not be shifted as many times because the products were changed. Le Chatelier’s Principle in a Cobalt Complex Worksheet There is not a formal lab report for this lab. Complete the above pages using the Microsoft version of this file that is available for download on the lab D2L page. Once the worksheet is complete, submit the worksheet on time and to your TA in the dropbox on

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